Academic Master


The Movies That Rose From The Grave

In this story, most of the discussion is about the movies, pictures, games, telecasting shows and many other things about the zombies and their continuity to become the leading productions in the horror industry for the past half-decade. The stories of the zombies originated from ancient myths and narratives. Initially, the first film was released in 1932 and was named White Zombie. After the release of this movie, the zombies were considered as the living creatures which were made to move like the cadavers. The concept of zombies came to the US in the 1950s. In the movie Night of the Living Dead, released by George A. Romero in the year 1968, the concept of zombies was completely changed. Now, after this movie, the zombies are the people who are raised after death and are a cause of terror to society. This concept was found viral and drastically adopted by society. The original zombies destroyed their encephalon, which was considered their life victims, and they started to present themselves in the human’s bodies. Their main goal was to destroy human society completely. Computer games developed at the end of the 20th century, which led to a rapid increase of the followers of the movies. Now currently, Zombies are still the leading characters in the film industry, telecasting, video games and television shows.

Max Brooks’s discussion is influential. People have different arguments about My Max Brooks’s writing. I have a point to mention here that he has discussed in a very dramatic way about the past and its effects on the current amusement which the customer seeks. There were a number of tragedies faced all over the world in the past century, but the author has completely analyzed those existent life menaces and associated them with amusement and leisure. The people living around in the real world want a little rest from the real-world hustle and busy schedules, so they go for fiction rather than drama and reality. The people that are why focus on the zombies and other characters like those. People are easy to watch zombies eating human flesh and drinking blood because the beliefs here are certain that zombies don’t exist in real. Horror films are made to make an individual nervous and feeling scared.

Thinking about floods and tornados or worrying about thefts or some other real-life examples could definitely cause a sense of worrying about it. Horror movies only cause anxiety, and the condition gets back to normal as the movie or the show ends. Fictional stories and characters are a good way to escape from real-life events and other stresses. This escape could ne for just a short period of time but i would prefer it personally as well. In the media industry, the zombies have dominated all the other characters, which were used for horror purposes because of their good reputation and huge pool of fans.

In a nutshell, it can be explained that the amusement part is always missed in horror movies because of the dominance of horror. Max Brook has compared the games, movies and pictures as they all collectively got dominance in the media industry and gained a reputation among viewers. My perspective on the concept of how these movies got dominant is positive, and I really appreciated this. The writing of Max was well punctuated good to read, and easy to understand, which resulted in making a positive perception towards it.

Works Cited

Lauro, Sarah Juliet, and Karen Embry. “A zombie manifesto: The nonhuman condition in the era of advanced capitalism.” boundary 2 35.1 (2008): 85-108.

Saunders, Robert A. “Undead spaces: Fear, globalisation, and the popular geopolitics of zombiism.” Geopolitics 17.1 (2012): 80-104.



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