Academic Master


The Influence Of Belief On Mindset And Success

I wanted to lose weight as I was 90 kg, but it seemed to be the most challenging task for me, as everybody around me kept on telling me that I could not do it. Even my inner self has confirmed that it is next to impossible for me. I have always started running, exercising, and dieting, but everything was fruitless as I kept quitting after two to three days and a maximum of five days. Then I came to know about the power of belief that everything is in our mind. If we believe that we can alter it, we can; but if we start believing that It is difficult, I will not succeed, then surely you will never succeed.

But then one day I decided to take the challenge. I started jogging daily. Initially, it was difficult for me. My first run was short, only one and a half miles, and it was 20 minutes. Obviously, that was not so good. It was quite difficult for me in the beginning, as my inner voice told me that I would quit sooner or later. But then, after continuing for 15 days of jogging, I set an objective for myself. I knew I was not doing to impress someone so I did not increase the limit, I kept doing it three miles for daily. I keep telling myself that I need not stop.

I planned not to take off for any task, and I just continued even one day. I thought I should participate in some race, but then I canceled my plan and kept focusing on the process. My aim was different. Although I was slow, the good thing was that I was running. There were days when I was not feeling good, had low mood, sick, but even then I kept running. One day, I thought that I should go and check my weight, but I did not want to disappoint, so I left the outcome and focused on the process. Then, almost after about three months, I checked my weight, and to my great surprise, it was 70 kg. I was so happy that day. I kept on jogging and decided that I would not stop running even after achieving my desired weight. I started thinking of myself as a runner, and I had just one thing in my mind as a goal: don’t quit.

Similarly, I have always been so weak in mathematics, as I failed several times during school and high school, and I was dead sure that this subject was not for me. Then, during college, I had to opt for statistics as an option. I was sure that I would never pass whatever I did. I was quite fixated on this belief that I could never do well on this subject. But then I thought about a growth mindset: what if I start practicing? So I decided to practice 1 hour daily; likewise, it was so difficult for me to spend my time on stats as I had no interest. But then I kept telling me that it is not a big deal I will do it. It was challenging, as in my first session, I succeeded in getting only 40% marks. But I did not lose hope and told myself that whatever the circumstances were, I was not quitting practice. So, I did not stop.

In my second session, I succeeded in scoring 60%; although my performance improved, I did not quit. And to my great surprise I scored 80% in my finals, it was next to impossible for me but I did that, and you know what I love Statistics!



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