Academic Master


The Impact of Microbes or Microorganisms on Humans?


The present study aims to address the issues of human health associated with microorganisms. Research suggests that the microbes living on internal organs such as digestive tracts, lungs and liver influence the wellbeing of individuals. The bacteria threatens the health and safety of individuals depicting need for enhancing preventing measures. These microbes are responsible for causing diseases to humans (Money, 2018). The research emphasizes on establishing the need for taking adequate measures that lead to early diagnosis of microbes and their prevention (Huang et al., 2017).

Research question

  1. What is the impact of microbes or microorganisms on humans?
  2. Do microbes increase the risks of disease in humans?
  3. Does human need protection against microbes?


  • To study the impact of microbes on human health.
  • To determine the risks associated with microbes.
  • To propose preventions for eliminating risks of disease transmission.

Literature review

Frederick (2001) highlights the adversities of microbes and their impact on human health. The ecosystem of skin poses high risks of catching disease due to transmission of microbes. The study suggests that microbes are responsible for causing diseases including skin infections. The microbial community has a prominent role in disease spread (Fredricks, 2001). Money (2018) explores the role of microbes in producing different diseases in humans. Microbes increase risks of health decline and lower immunity of humans (Money, 2018). Hunag et al., (2017) represents the negative implications of microbes and their relationship with human health. The study emphasizes on early diagnosis (Huang et al., 2017). Backhead et al., (2005) uncovers the bacteria and other microbes responsible for transmission of disease in humans. The article suggests strengthening the immune systems (Bäckhed, Ley, Sonnenburg, Peterson, & Gordon, 2005).


The research will use empirical findings and the information provided by other researchers on the relationship between microbiology and human health. The study will consider the scholarly database for assessing the implications of microbes transmitting disease.


Bäckhed, F., Ley, R. E., Sonnenburg, J. L., Peterson, D. A., & Gordon, I. J. (2005). Host-bacterial mutualism in the human intestine. Science, 307, 1915–1920.

Fredricks, D. N. (2001). Microbial Ecology of Human Skin in Health and Disease. JID.

Huang, Z.-A., Chen, X., Zhu, Z., Liu, H., Yan, G.-Y., Zhu-Hong, et al. (2017). PBHMDA: Path-Based Human Microbe-Disease Association Prediction. System microbiology.

Money, N. P. (2018). 5. Microbiology of human health and disease locked. Oxford University Press.



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