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globalization, the expansion of world cuisine, and the emergence of cultural influences

From Steger’s chapter, the response shows a good understanding of at least one concept, theory, or insight about globalization.

Globalization is the process of integration and interaction among the people. The process of interaction is driven by international trade and information technology. It affects human physical well-being, environment, economic development, culture, and political systems. According to Steger and Manfred, globalization is the dynamic nature of a phenomenon; the gradual rise of global imaginary and spatial expansion of social relations (Steger and Manfred, p.1). Its extension and continuation of the complex process emerging from modernity. The chronology of globalization is full of anticipation for five periods: prehistoric, premodern, early modern, modern, and contemporary.

During the prehistoric period, globalization involved hunters and gatherers whose social interaction changed, and they started producing their food. They diverged because of the availability of animals for domestication and the natural occurrence of plants (Steger and Manfred, p.21). Surplus food in China increased the population, the number of permanent villages, and the creation of fortified towns. The people embraced centralization and started practicing agricultural activities to produce food. They used their Crafting creativity to invent new technologies including iron tools. However, the dynamic of the period’s globalization is divergence. It’s the social connection and people migrating to another place to diversify.

Contemporary (from the 1980s): the USSR collapsed in 1991, accelerating the emergence of the single global market and how globalization is driven. It’s the convergence from the old practices to modern. When the ICT revolution took place globalization moved to another level (Steger and Manfred, p.36). The diffusion of digital media, online social networking tools internet, and wireless communication has changed everything around the globe.

The general concept, theory, or insight is applied appropriately to East Asia.  

East Asia greatly impacted globalization, contributing to global cuisine’s growth and culture diffusion (Mintiz and Sidney, p.1). It has taken part in the global spread of animal and plant food. Sweet potatoes are a side dish in Asia, yet they crossed the Pacific to the West through exportation. Tea originated from Asia and then to the West when the Portuguese Queen of Charles II introduced it in the court. Soybeans and beancurd are foods used to make French roasted lamb. Cooking methods used to date originated from Asia. The influential stir-fry and steam are used in the West to prepare food that is low in fat and nutritious. Cheese making started in Asia; it’s made from legume beans.

Also, most food ingredients and spices originated in Asia. Ginger is planted there, called galingale, and used to make French roasted lamb. Garlic ingredient is used to prepare food and is embraced in other parts of the world. The rice cultivation was first done in Asia and exported to the West. They use rice in the local cuisine (Mintiz and Sidney, p.5) and say that food systems were changed during globalization causing the disappearance of local food systems, spices, language religion, and people.

The discussion is accurate and supported by relevant examples.

Sushi originated in Japan, but it’s now consumed internationally, including in Asia, America, and Africa. (Sakamoto and Rumi, p.1) Explains that the phenomenon has accelerated so fast since the turning of the millennium that it is globally produced because of the globalization of different cultures. McDonald’s has a way of creating a culture of burgers and teriyaki chicken.  American sushi in Tokyo is a playful hybridization with unpredictable means of production and consumption.

There is a phenomenon in the history of sushi both in Japan and the expansion in the world. The sushi ingredients originated from Japan, and it’s difficult for American sushi stores to get the ingredients to make it (Sakamoto and Rumi, p.4).

Globalization has made sushi readily available in every village in Japan since they are the original producers (Sakamoto, Rumi, p.9). Sushi was accepted globally because Japan rose to an economic stage and increased the number of experts in Japanese business. The sushi industry grew from food for the rich to cheap and accessible food for everyone. The way the meal is presented must be the same as the original one for sale.

Works Cited

Mintiz, Sidney W. Asian Contribution To World Cuisines. Japan, 2009,.

Sakamoto, Rumi. Sushi Reverses Course: Consuming American Sushi In Tokyo. Japan, 2011.

Steger, Manfred B. Globalization. 4th ed., Oxford University, 2013,.




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