Academic Master


The Ghosts In The Trees

Rachel Louise Snyder is an American writer and journalist. She covers social issues, areas of life where normal life exists, and the fields of life that are often neglected by the busy humans of the 21st Century. One of his all-time famous and admired works is “Fugitive Denim: A Moving Story of People and Pants in the Borderless World of Global Trade”.

In the 15th chapter of this book, titled ‘The Ghosts in Trees’, he described the story of a girl and the struggles of her life and how she got to the place where she is now. The girl, Nat, is an employee of United Eternity. Nat was born malnourished; her mother was undernourished, and she was unable to produce milk. Nat was reared in conditions where she only got sugar water. She was 10 when she went to school. She was so weak that even she couldn’t stand till she was 13. Problems weren’t ended but she has to toil hard to survive.

Her father got ill, and she had to sell some stuff on the roads and then worked in a factory and the attitude she faced there was horrible. She worked there for a long time until she got the job where she is today.

Her story has many details that tell us about the attitude of society towards the little problems, which then grew and became major issues. We take little diseases for granted, and they create major issues. Nat’s story is all the way a picture of how we ignore things and how much they matter. The flu, the broken leg, and the growing bone all matter because they change the lives of not only a person but a whole family.

Work Cited

Snyder, Rachel Louise. Fugitive denim: a moving story of people and pants in the borderless world of global trade. WW Norton & Company, 2009.



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