Academic Master


The Fall of the Berlin Wall


The Berlin Wall, constructed in 1961, separated West and East Berlin due to the Cold War between the USA and the USSR. Its building signified the difference between Eastern communists and Western Democrats. However, the fall of the Berlin Wall marked a major turning point in diplomatic powers because it demonstrated the capitalists’ supremacy and the downfall of many communist nations.

The construction of the Wall hampered East Germans’ travel to West Germany. The immediate social effect was the division of many families and the unemployment of East Germans who used to travel to the other side for work. West Berlin turned into an isolated enclave located in a hostile region; therefore, West Berliners retaliated against this Wall, and it was pretty obvious that the Wall was not an everlasting landmark of the European area.

East Germany was established with excess socialists, and the area most affected was Berlin. It was stated that the Berlin Wall was the reason for stopping immigration from the East to the West, but in actuality, it was a cause for stopping trade between the two dimensions. However, it was impossible to separate Eastern and Western Germany, so the only solution was the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The cold war commenced to fade all around the Eastern wing of Europe. On 9th November 1989, the East Berlin Communist Party’s spokesman announced a variation in his approach to dealing with the West. He allowed the citizens of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) to travel freely across the country’s boundaries. The West and East Berliners assembled at the Wall and celebrated by drinking champagne and beer while screaming “Tor auf!” (“Open the gate!”). Millions of East Berliners participated in the celebrations in West Berlin. Many people successfully climbed up the wall using the Brandenburg Gate and started chiseling away at the wall. Initially, the authorities of the German Democratic Republic responded to it by hitting the people by using water cannons, but it came out to be absolutely ineffective. The army of East Germany climbed up the wall later to prevent the remaining individuals from standing on the wall. People hit the wall with hammers and picked to knock away the wall’s chunks while bulldozers and cranes pulled the Wall down section by section. The government started demolishing the Berlin Wall the next day of this event. SED was a ruling party in the German Democratic Republic, which was destroyed due to the fall of the Berlin Wall. The fall of the Berlin Wall was the first critical initiative towards the reunification of Germans, which concluded formally with East Germany’s dissolution. However, the official reunification of West and East Germany was made after one year of demolishing the wall of Berlin on October 3rd, 1990.


The creation of the Berlin Wall represented the Cold War among two schools of thought, while its fall symbolized the war’s end. The wall’s fall resulted from severe opposition from East Berliners, which was rising every day. Moreover, it represented the triumph of democracy over socialism.



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