Academic Master


The End Of Same-Sex Marriages


Gay marriage or same-sex marriage is the marriage of two people having the same sex. Marriage equality is the term that shows the political status of marriage between same-sex and opposite-sex people, stating that they have equal rights. According to the American Psychological Association, the end of same-sex marriage will harm people because they will think of themselves as being discriminated against by race, gender or religion. According to the report by the American Medical Association, after the legalization of gay marriage, the rate of child suicide has dropped by 7%, which is considered one of the most significant positive impacts of gay marriage. The laws and regulations that have a high effect on gay adults may make gay children feel more comfortable for their future. If they don’t feel comfortable, they will try to end their lives by suicide or by any other means.

Strain Theory

It has been found evidence that in states where gay marriages are not legal, it increases the psychiatric disorders in gays. They feel discriminated and increases their frustration and anxiety. The report showed that this unrecognition from society raises suicide attempts by gays.


Homosexuals are often stereotyped as effeminate. The term effeminate means most gays are stereotyped with the fact that they possess women’s behaviour. Gay people are mostly associated with having women’s tone. Effeminacy and fashion have been seen as stereotypes of homosexuality. The typical stereotype associated with gays is that they enjoy shopping, and most of the researchers encourage this stereotype.

Status Symbol

In recent times, we’ve seen pink colour dresses worn by women of the same sex in America. This was observed the day the court declared the legalization of gay marriages. That pink colour represents a gay couple or gay people. Colour represents their status in society.

Social Integration

Gay people feel comfortable living in their communities. It has been found in the studies that gay people are more comfortable talking to a person who is a smoker. Because almost 90% of the gays are found fond of smoking, they feel uncomfortable talking to a person who is not of the Tehri community and a nonsmoker.


Before the legalization of gay marriage, gay people used to keep themselves hidden from society. They used to try to adopt the behaviour by which no one could identify their identity. However, researchers have shown how, with the passage of time, they raised their voices, and the government legalized their marriage. For them, it is one of the greatest revolutions in America. However, this legalization has reduced the percentage of child suicide in America.


Resocialization refers to the acceptance of new norms and values. In terms of gay marriage, now society has accepted their new status and values. They have the opportunity to work in street organizations. Before the legalization, they use to keep their this side to their selves, now they openly communicate with one another and celebrate their international gay marriage day.

Positive Sanction

The positive sanction means an expression of socially constructed approval of anything. We have seen while the movement for gay marriage was at its peak, social media played a significant role. On Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, people started talking about their rights and whether they should be accepted in society. When they got themselves out on the streets, the reaction that they were getting from the local public boosted their morale, which led to being firm in their demands. The appreciation that they had from social media gave them the recognition and status they have today.

Pluralistic Society

America is one of the largest countries with the highest number of people with different cultures and backgrounds. There are so many societies in the country that do not discriminate in any aspect. However, some discrimination is still present. As far as gay marriages are concerned, according to the report published by the American psychological association, the USA is one of the top countries that have high numbers of transgenders.

Moral Reasoning

Moral reasoning explains the way that people think is right or wrong. In gay marriages, they believe that it is their choice to live with someone who has the same sex as they have. Same-sex marriage enables them to live a happy life, which, according to them, is their right. They should enjoy all the reasons that marriage of opposite sex possesses in the society.

Looking Glass Self

Looking at the glass self is a sociological concept that explains that we see ourselves by perceiving how others see ourselves. Before the legalization of gay marriage, the discouragement and hatred they looked in the eyes of other people enabled them to see themselves as hateful. This ultimately causes them distress and anxiety, which results in suicides, as reported in most of the cases reported before the legalization of gay marriage.


Law is a government body that legalizes or abandons anything it sees as not for the betterment of its people. The implementation of the law that authorized gay marriages improved the lifestyle of gays and reduced the cases of anxiety and distress in gay people. Now, they are more satisfied with their status in society and consider being one of the essential elements prevailing in the community.


The institution is a set of norms carried out for the betterment of the society. Affirmation is an institution that operates in the USA. A primary concern of the institution is to protect the rights of gay people in America. If any problems arise in gay marriages, they consult with this institution that helps them solve their issues so that they can live a healthy life.

Gender Socialization

Gender socialization shows the tendency of girls and boys to socialize differently in the case of gay marriages. Most of the gays in the USA are found to have a habit of smoking, and they keep themselves associated with all those people who are smokers. Their socialization patterns are different from those of other people in society.

Gender Role

The role of gays in society is to represent the country’s advancement and betterment they do for their people. Since the legalization, several countries adopted the same technique and legalized gay marriages so that they can enjoy their lives like ordinary people.

Culture Shock

The fear that was present in gays before legalization was so high that they avoided having conversations with other people. They had this thinking that if people found out who they were, then society would not accept them; instead, they would discourage them.

Achieved Status

The status that we choose or earn regardless of where we were born is termed achieved status. Looking at gay marriages, the stable status that they have now is far better than the status they had before. After legalization, they have their status in society, which was not given before, but they have earned it by continuously fighting for their right.


Anomie is more like a strain theory; the concept explains that people feel distressed and discouraged if they are not getting the means to fulfil their dreams from the institutions and are not recognized by society. In the past, gays were not highly recognizable by society; instead, they were considered outcasts by the communities. After legalization, they are now part of society and enjoy the same rights as a typical couple does in the USA.


The way we see others physically is termed as appearance. Usually, the clothes worn by gay people depict somehow that they are gay. In the case of male gays, they used to wear clothes that were mostly worn by females. The way they walk also tells one that they are more of a gay. However, after being legalized in the USA, now they are more open and do not consider anyone’s opinion as much.


There’s a common belief in society that most gay people seduce an ordinary person to make a bond with them. However this is not the case, gay people mostly look for another gay person so that they can make a good relationship with that guy. This belief is reduced now but not entirely vanished from society. Gay people have the right to live a life in the way they want to live.

Body Language

Body language is one of the most influential ways of communication. It is an essential element of nonverbal communication. The style of gestures and postures depicts the confidence and truthfulness of another person. We see that when talking to a guy who continuously moves his body and starts touching another person over casually, there is something wrong with this guy. The body language of gays depicts who they are. Before legalization, this was not seen as much as it is now. Now, they have the right to express themselves adequately. The eye contact and the way they shake hands are not like a typical being shaking hands with you.



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