Academic Master

Health Care

The development of Minnesota Health Record Act


Minnesota healthcare workers, clinics, and hospitals have successfully embraced electronic health records (EHRs). The development of the Minnesota Health Record Act toward the implementation and adequate use of EHRs as the safe, regulated transfer of health data, will continue to step up as Minnesota and the nation follow federal principles for the practice and transmission of electronic health information. A crucial part of the success is that patients should have assurance in the reliability of the shared data and faith in the workers using the data to have specific steps in place to preserve their information (St., 2013).

To attain this kind of trust and confidence, all workers of services related to health care, irrespective of capacity or peculiarity, must pursue specifications for health data preserved electronically. These organizational, practical, and physical protections, with comprehensive policies, processes, and methods for efficient use of technology to provide patient care, will construct an agenda in which patient confidence and assurance develop, and purposeful health data transfer occurs (St., 2013).

Background and Problems

In the spring of 2012, the Minnesota Council directed the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and e-Health Advisory Committee. They planned a study of particular questions relating to the actual utilization of Representation of Consent, electronic health material safety practices, and patient reporting processes when illegal access to an electronic health record takes place (St., 2013).

The Minnesota Health Record Act Access Study used four procedures to analyze the questions put forward by the government. The following are the findings:

  • Evaluating illegal access related to a patient’s health record is accomplished when practical and responsive processes that are not standardized are used. Evaluation is majorly done when there is a patient’s complaint. Functional evaluation processes are in different stages of growth and are influenced by challenging organizational primacies, the failure of the EHR to stop the wrong approach, and composite necessities for dealing with patient confidentiality preferences (St., 2013).
  • When a patient’s electronic history has been retrieved, many institutions can create analyzed logs or archives of all cases. However, they are not configured in a precise and clear form for patients and comprise large bulks of information, making the records useless. Patients rarely demand analyzed documents; when they do, the demand is based on a complaint. Privacy Officers directly cooperate with patients to inspect patients’ issues of illegal access rather than creating an audit archive (St., 2013).
  • Some principles set by federal announcement requirements are followed by the warning system for patients whose personal health records are illegally accessed. However, certain workers address that they don’t have the procedures for a patient warning system in place. For the workers who have warning processes in place, the methods are regularly followed all over the state but still, the information stays mostly in paper form however electronic encoded equipment exists (St., 2013).
  • Representation of Consent (ROC) is an exclusive trait of Minnesota’s Health Records Act, which permits workers to electronically inform other workers that they have the patient’s agreement to share data. Representation of Consent, which is intended to facilitate the protected, agreement-based sharing of electronic health data, is not broadly understood or used, and, in some instances develops the insight of distrust between workers. The procedure of gaining a patient’s agreement stays majorly in paper form, and few EHRs have consolidated electronic consent processes. Some disparities in reviewing the use of ROC at the worker level were testified by survey respondents (St., 2013).
  • Some patients want to control their information. MHRA severely impacts patients concerning disturbed care management, fraud labs and tests, postponements in care; signing many forms, and usually contradictory to patients’ assumptions that providers share genuine health information with the patient’s other providers (Impacts and Costs, 2017).

HIPAA, Minnesota’s Health Records Act, and Psychotherapy Notes

A patient approach to psychotherapy Minnesota Health Record Act might cause misunderstanding between workers due to the exclusive collaboration of national and state law where state law successes (HIIPA, Minnesota, 2014).

Federal law (HIPAA Privacy Rule)

Per the patient’s consensus, a psychological expert may transfer mental hygiene transcripts at the worker’s preference. Regarding the delicacy of the data, HIPAA wants this agreement to be apprehended on just a form verifying the consensus to issue mental hygiene data (HIIPA, Minnesota, 2014).

Minnesota law

Minnesota’s law regarding human rights is much more rigid than that of HIPAA. Patients have the authority to see or issue their whole medical data, and psychotherapy transcripts seen or released are included in that medical data. The additional safety of the data enclosure in the medical examination ensures a more appropriate approach toward patients’ health pieces of evidence (HIIPA, Minnesota, 2014).

Most of the misunderstanding arises from the variances in the description of what establishes medical examination evidence. Although written mental hygiene records are secured in different files in Minnesota, they are maintained as part of medical history to ensure full control of patients’ health information.  However, they are kept secure and don’t allow patients to view their data when these can cause harm (HIIPA, Minnesota, 2014).

HIPAA Standard

Mental hygiene written records are omitted from a patient’s overall authority to approach or scrutinize their health check written information subordinate to HIPAA’s Safety Rule. If mental well-being workers desire to unwrap the mental hygiene notes, they are mostly authorized for this, but mainly pick up the patient’s authorization (HIIPA, Minnesota, 2014).

Minnesota Standard

“Absolute and actual data controlled by that work related to any examination and care” is provided by the Minnesota Health Record Act to the patients and they do not differentiate psychotherapy notes from other medical pieces of evidence (HIIPA, Minnesota, 2014).

Legal Laws

Mental hygiene Notes Defined

Written records listed by a well-being provider who is a psychological professional:

1) Written material or examine the data of propositions all along a guidance committee.

2) Are isolated from the remaining patient’s medical records (HIIPA, Minnesota, 2014).

HIPAA Standard

Under HIPAA’s Privacy Rule, a psychic wellness professional must not expose psychiatry lessons to a patient. Psychiatry notes are omitted from patients’ generic rights to approach or scrutinize their medical examination data. If a psychological professional ever desires to unwrap the psychiatry data, they are somehow allowed to do it, but they should primarily acquire the patient’s authority. There are three situations in which a psychological professional does not require a patient’s approval to utilize or expose therapy data under HIPAA standards.

  • Utilization by the supplier for handling;
  • Employment or disclosure for some education goals; or
  • Usage or revelation of the buttress in a lawful response (HIIPA, Minnesota, 2014).

Minnesota Standard

Minnesota’s Health Records Act provides patients vast authority when approaching physical data as it has no differentiation between mental hygiene written records and other medical examination data. Minnesota law demands that a worker render a patient “absolute and actual” data relating to any examination, management, or treatment associated with the patient by asking. A consumer also has access to and gives permission to give information affiliated with mental works concealed by managerial regulations controlling mental health professionals. Minnesota has made an exclusion that supplies providers with the ability to keep wellness records. If the worker accepts that “the data is damaging to the sufferer’s health which is either physical or psychological well-being, or is apt to originate the patient to impose danger to their selves, or to damage other” (HIIPA, Minnesota, 2014).


  • Some explanations are required to make the present MHRA intentions viable (Impacts and Costs, 2017).
  • Education and resources are essential for providers to figure out MHRA necessities, particularly providers who are involved in smaller practices. Patients also require education and resources (Impacts and Costs, 2017).
  • Legal Obligations Mental health workers in the Minnesota Health Record Act should be satisfied and conscious of both the agreement responsibilities executed by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and its principles and those performed by the Minnesota Health Record Act. There is a distinguishable factor between HIPAA and the Health Records Act, i.e., written documents on mental hygiene (HIIPA, Minnesota, 2014).
  • Realize and share best procedures for informing patients when illegal access to an EHR is spotted and deliver technical support to providers as needed to implement best practices (St., 2013).
  • Guarantee the procedures and make sure that they are in place for fair and adequate usage of ROC dealings, and for evaluating that usage of ROC agrees with the necessities of the Minnesota Health Records Act (St., 2013).
  • It uses its yearly health information technology assessments of hospitals and clinics to review growth concerning the application of best practices and state/federal requirements regarding the confidentiality and safety of electronic health data (St., 2013).
  • Authorize attempts to flourish and give training to healthcare providers and other staff in healthcare competence on cathodic protection and safety problems encompassing health pieces of evidence (St., 2013).


HIPAA, Minnesota’s Health Records Act, and Psychotherapy Notes. (n.d.). Retrieved October 2014, from

Impacts and Costs of the Minnesota Health Records Act. (2017, February 15). Retrieved from

St., Paul. (2013, February). Minnesota Health Records Access Study. Retrieve from



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