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The Decline Of European Powers

Although Europe represents only 8 per cent of the entire landmass, they were in a position to conquer 80% of the world as a whole. Reason being is that Europe was termed as superior and dominant. They used Gun power technology invented by the Chinese; therefore few states could fight them regarding conquest. Their leaders hesitated not to spend a lot on military changes as per technology. They learned a lot in trial and error wars, which finally improved their military. Giving them a great chance to dominate the world, including third-world countries. This military became the best entirely.

Moreover, the Conquest of America gave them gold from South America. The attained wealth was used to pay for their arms and build several of its fleets. The armies or squadrons were used to trade with Asia and Africa, thereby enabling them to attain more wealth. Europe became industrialized more quickly and, therefore, became wealthier than any other part of the world. The attained wealth enabled them to grow the economy. Then later industrial trade as well gave them more wealth. Industrialization in Europe was possible as a result of Printing Technology. It allowed their knowledge to spread fast to their people and even to other nations (Hull, 1976). This is why they industrially developed before China, which lacked printing technology. This spread their products, and in combination with the exploitation of Africa and America, they had plenty of wealth. They so emerged economically and technically superior.

Europeans could not rely on hunting and gathering but were able to join other professionals like soldiers and scientists. This improved their intelligence as well. They were driven by the culture of the fight to kill their enemies, not allowing their cultural practices to stop them from fighting. This motto motivated them anytime they went to war; hence killed many enemies and conquered many countries. They, therefore, decided to travel along the world, since people from other nations couldn’t fight them due to their superior weapons. After 1800, they had grown industrially having 35% of states conquered. Their Geographical Area: Easy access to the sea enabled them to be able to expand into other nations (Hull, 1976). France, Britain, Portugal, and Spain had access to seas. This led to the emergence of a merchant economy, which eventually developed intelligence, thereby creating chances for energy formation.

European Imperialism

By 1870, Europe was already stable therefore was able to form new states in Germany and Italy. Together with the use of technology from the Industrial Revolution, European countries became even more powerful and so pursued political power abroad. The new technologies highly encouraged imperialism. This, in turn, enables, for example, Quinine to conquer inland Africa. The telegraph enables their states to monitor their imperial possessions around the world. With time, they were able to capture large territories in Africa and Asia.

Imperialism was highly linked to the rivalry among European nations. For example, the British wanted to maintain colonies, while other European powers wanted to expand their territories as well. British responded by preventing such colonies. Scramble for gold and diamond in South Africa and Egypt accounted large partofr colonization as they were among the primary sources of wealth. As a result, the rivalry between France, Germany, and Britain exceedingly increase. Germany could not have control overseas due to its late unification and lack of knowledge of modern navigation.

Moreover, Collaboration also increased the chances of imperialism. Local leaders wanted to benefit from the colonial government and the only way was joining them. Those who collaborated ensured a good relationship between the colonial government and the local people. This, In turn, created a better environment for their activities. Some of these leaders who collaborated came to benefit when the colonial government was coming to an end.

Economic factors: Imperial governments wanted large profits. As a result, the economy expanded, which in turn called for cheap labour, markets to sell products and the need for raw materials. Cheap labour was attained from the Africans; raw materials were also obtained from the dependent colonies since European countries had been facing a shortage of raw materials. The imperial merchants created transportation and infrastructure (Klein, 1999). As a result, the European states competed for the market, raw materials, and labour, hence motivating the need for conquest or, rather, imperialism. Exploratory, which was done for medicine and research. Some for the need for adventure and the goal of expansion to maintain their imperialism.

Another factor is Ethnocentric; they believed their culture and power were superior to any other and, therefore, would bring their culture to the inferior people. This enabled them to civilize these nations, which they increasingly seceded to conquer. Spread of their religion to Africans, many were converted to Christianity by the missionaries. Churches were built in the conquered territories, places where Africans learned the Western culture.

The political factor was a result of European countries fighting for supremacy, among them spurring patriotism and supremacy. This political motive expanded the need to conquer many states, each in correspondence to the need for raw materials, labour, and markets for their states.

The Decline Of Their Power

By the early 20th Century, Europe had controlled many parts of Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. However, these empires collapsed after 1945. The causes of their fall include. The colonies had suffered from depression as a result of European imperialism, which encouraged the production of raw materials. This left these colonies poor. As a result, Europeans were depreciating economically as well. During World War 11, Japan defeated European powers, forcing them to leave Asia. Japanese forces came to conquer Asia after the Europeans surrendered them in 1945; the states began to fight for their independence, demanding freedom from Japanese forces. These nationalists used the guerrilla’s methods to fight Japan. They seek support from the United States government. Europeans, therefore, lost and were weakened in terms of power and economy. It was these wars that left European countries like Britain and France facing economic problems.

Moreover, the immediate rise of nationalism in the colonies also led to the decline of imperialism; hence, European powers collapsed as well (Keal, 2003). Handing over power was a major factor as well. In 1940, decolonization took the pick in Asia and the Middle East. European forces, for example, French forces left Syria and Lebanon. Leaving the Philippines independent from the USA in 1946. Indonesia was granted independence in 1948, forcing Britain’s colony to give up control of India. In Africa and the Caribbean, however, independence came late since it took French and Britain time to grant their colonies independence (begun by the 1960s). The civil war arose as a result of the Belgium government pulling out from Congo in 1960.

Also, these lose affected Europeans more so in the colonies where many Europeans had lived permanently. Algeria’s war with French forces, for example, lasted for eight years, leaving many dead. White minority in Zimbabwe was refusing to share power with the blacks leading to war until 1980. In South Africa, independence was attained in 1910, of which the whites still stayed in power. This forced blacks to fight until 1994, when Nelson Mandela was elected the president. French tried to keep their colonies in China; however, they were defeated by Vietnam, enabling the USA to intervene until 1975. Portugal took so long to surrender power to its colonies, Angola and Mozambique. This led to war between nationalists and imperialists until 1975 when independence was granted to them.

The End Of Empire Led To The Existence Of Independent States Worldwide.

The process of decolonization led to the existence of a cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union. Decolonization was more affected by superpowers changing patterns of international relations (Keal, 2003). The US supported the self-determination of various countries and had a connection with the Europeans who claimed their former colonies. Cold War competition, later on, came to dominate U.S. policy concerns, forcing Europe to lose power. Soviets supported communism while the US supported capitalism; hence, the Soviets were able to take control of access to economic resources from the U.S., which they abolished.

Events like the Vietnamese war against France from 1945-1954, the nationalist takeover of Egypt in 1952, and Indonesia’s struggle for independence from the Netherlands from 1945-1950 created fears. The U.S., therefore, was forced to use technical assistance and military sometimes to convince other states to fight with them. However, the Soviets used tactics and encouraged nations to join communism, claiming it was a non-imperialist economic or political ideology. However, new states refused to indulge in the Cold War. After the Bandung conference in 1955, there was a focus on internal development. United Nations had grown, and many states from third-world countries had joined. They knew nations pushed UN leadership to accept resolutions for independence; therefore, a special committee for colonialism was formed. Bringing to an end the colonial era.


Hull, R. W. (1976). African cities and towns before the European conquest. Norton.

Keal, P. (2003). European conquest and the rights of indigenous peoples: The moral backwardness of international society (Vol. 92). Cambridge University Press.

Klein, K. L. (1999). Frontiers of Historical Imagination: Narrating the European Conquest of Native America, 1890-1990. Univ of California Press.



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