Academic Master


necessary stages of psychological Development in human beings

Erik Erikson was a famous developmental psychologist. He was born in Germany and died at the age of 91. He is famous for his theory, “Erikson’s stages of psychological development.” Erik Erikson and Joan Erikson have done the work. According to Erik, every human being has to face eight stages of psychological development from the embryonic stage to late adulthood. Each developmental stage is dependent upon the previous stage. A human must complete one stage successfully to succeed in the next development stage. Furthermore, it has been said that if a person does not complete one stage successfully then he may face trouble in the later phases of life.

The first stage in “Erikson’s stages of psychological development” is trust. Human being stays aged from 0-23 months. An infant depends upon his parents for basic needs such as food, and clothing. In the beginning, the child needs to develop the trust that can I trust my parents? Can they take care of me? The next stage in the development is autonomy vs. shame, which lasts from 2 years to 4 years. At this age, a child learns that acting the way he wants is okay. Are his parents supportive? The third stage is initiative vs. guilt, which is the pre-schooling phase, in which a child learns to act and do different things. Stage 4 is competence in which a child learns how to survive in the world. Stage 5, Fidelity, allows a teen to learn what he can do and how to become successful. The love stage teaches a person how to become successful in his relationships. The 2nd last stage teaches a person how to make his life memorable so that people remember him in good words. In the last stage, integrity vs. despair, a retired person focuses on his entire life and sees what he has achieved so far (Rosenthal et al 1981).

Works cited:

Rosenthal, D. A., Gurney, R. M., & Moore, S. M. (1981). From trust on intimacy: A new inventory for examining Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 10(6), 525-537.



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