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The Colombian Exchange

Prince Henry and Christopher Columbus were responsible for the exploration of the new lands in the Africa and in North America. As for Henry he navigated with his seamen navigated to the south from Portugal his objective was to collaborate with a leader in the North West Africa who had built a strong Christian foundation in the Africa region. He was the one who was responsible for the African slave trade. His contributions included the creation of caravels which were small ships that could sail faster according to the seventeenth century ( “Early Globalization: The Atlantic World, 1492-1650”).

Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa Italy but was known for his exploration of the new world which was North America and his expedition was supported by the Spanish. He first landed in the lands of Bahamas thinking he has reached in the Indian lands and thus named Indos. He later went to Haiti where in these two lands he exploited the natives with the help of the Columbus men that he was flanked with through his three ships (Moral). The ships were Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria which he used to navigate through the seas as he reached to the new worlds the North America. Columbus Third Voyage he landed to Jamaica in and his fourth he landed in Honduras which are situated South America and Central America respectively.

Columbus benefited from the sponsorship from the king Ferdinand and Queen Isabella who were staunch Catholics. Columbus after his exploration in the new world he returned to Spain very rich and brought with him various products that were not produced in Europe but he was later stripped of his riches when the Spanish realized the inhuman behaviors that he did while in the new world. Prince Henry had sent fifteen to explore the west coast of Africa but failed and the sixteenth expedition was fruitful and they manage to explore and siphoned the gold’s and other natural resources that were in Africa. Hence at that period in time Portugal was desperate for Gold and they found it and that is when they started making their first coins.

Colombian Exchange

It was a trade term used to describe the exchange of commodities and services across the Atlantic. Where the Europeans brought plants, diseases and animals which changed the life’s in the new world regions. Hence in that time sugar proved to be very valuable product hence Europeans competed to for the new world lands for purpose of the sugar plantations sine in Europe the climatic conditions was harsh for the plantations whereas Africa was commonly known for labor. The Europeans saw tobacco as a cash crop hence they started cultivating for sale since it was known to improve concentration and enhance wisdom. Columbus second voyage he brought with him domestic animals which transformed the lives of the new world. Hence diseases such as such as chicken pox, small pox and mumps were brought with the Europeans. Whereas a sexual transmitted disease was also traversed in the trade which was syphilis. Hence the Colombian exchange brought advantages and disadvantages to both parties that were involved in which were Europe, Africa and America (The Colombian Exchange).

To conclude this discussion the Colombian exchange was responsible for bringing in different products and services across the continents. Benefits included America introduction of the domestic animals such as the pigs, cattle and chicken and also diseases such as smallpox, malaria, and yellow fever. As for Europe benefited from the farm produce such as pepper, potatoes, tobacco, and cassava. Hence, with this kind of trade introduced it led to cultivation of capitalism (The Colombian Exchange).

Works cited

” “Early Globalization: The Atlantic World, 1492-1650”.” The Americas, Europe, and Africa (2006): 15-18.

Moral, A. “Renaissance Men: Christopher Columbus and Prince Henry.” Prezi (2014): 1-7.

“The Colombian Exchange.” Old and New World Collide Khan Academy (2013): 47-49.



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