Academic Master


The Best place to start a Business

If you are planning or are already running an online business, you know that the location of the base is very important. From where the management and the server are, depends on what profits will be received and put into the pocket of an online store, a consulting agency, or a company of web developers.

In each country, there are advantages and disadvantages, but from the point of view of business via the Internet, few can compete with Panama.

A. What advantages does the company in Panama offer for doing business on the Internet?

Let’s start with the fact that for business on the Internet, the technical component is important: reliable servers, stable communication, electricity, and other infrastructure. Panama offers a high level of quality with adequate prices. Perhaps, in some cases, the speed is lower than in Estonia and Latvia, but it is higher than in other offshore jurisdictions and, especially, faster than on the islands.

Since not one company operates in the country, technical equipment is also on the level. Again, Sweden may be offering more advanced servers in the bomb shelter, but more expensive.

If your goal is an international business with the seizure of American markets, then Panama is an ideal place. But not the speed of one, right?

Panama offers a wide professional labor market for local and international companies: both local and expats speak several languages, understand a wide range of topics, and are able to compete for jobs.

Moreover, you can always find experienced pros abroad. If earlier with hiring foreign specialists there were problems – the company could hire only one for 9 local, now a special decree has been issued. According to him, the representatives of the “Friendly Nations,” whose list includes 48 countries, easily and without problems become employees of Panamanian companies. Among them are not only Americans and Canadians but also Frenchmen, Germans, Hondurans, and Russians.

In other words, all those who can be useful. Given that initially, there were only 22 countries on the list, in time, it could expand even more.

It should be borne in mind that local laws are on the protection of workers’ rights, although not as harshly as in the developed countries of Europe. Socialism is close but has not yet won.

But one more important thing is taxes. More precisely, their a complete absence under certain circumstances: if your clients and sources of income are outside of Panama, then the income is not subject to corporate taxes. If the structure of the company is set correctly, then it will not be necessary to pay taxes anywhere.

It turns out that an online store, a consulting office, a writer-traveler, or just a copywriter, business owner, or self-business, as a whole, working through a computer without direct physical contact with the customer has every opportunity to reduce the tax to zero. Just because territorial taxation allows this.

This creates a comfortable environment for the creation and development of their business. In addition, the country is respected by entrepreneurs and treats them not only as dairy cows. Being an entrepreneur here is not just profitable – it’s honorable. There will not be a grim whisper that you allow yourself too much, and nobody will throw dirt clots if you make a mistake.

Of course, it is not allowed to violate the laws and go away from punishment, but they support the work honestly, seriously and with dignity.

Therefore, if your goal is to enter international markets or if you are a freelancer and receive orders from different customers around the world, then Panama allows you to seriously save on taxes, provides an acceptable infrastructure, and gives access to various resources, including human resources.

And with warm weather all the more, you can not argue. The sun most of the year, the sea, the resorts, and the developed domestic infrastructure – all make Panama’s simple choice as a base for its business and life.

Of course, Panama seems to our entrepreneurs a distant country. But everything, as usual, depends on the goals of the business and your personal. Considering that the IT sphere of Russia is largely working for export in order to facilitate work with foreign clients, simplify payment, and hire new employees, Panama’s choice becomes promising. Moreover, if the main contingent of customers is in the US and Canada (and there are such companies in Russia).

It’s not hard to open a company in Panama. There are certain requirements that need to be met, plus properly drawn-up documents. In this sense, it’s easier to contact the portal consultants who know the business registration in Panama firsthand. They will help to collect the necessary papers, provide contact with reputable registrars, and offer the full range of services, from opening an account to selecting office space.

Panama is a promising center offering conditions for bank accounts, obtaining residence permits and permanent residence, for the development of international Internet and not only business, with a diversified economy, tourism, and business culture. All conditions are created for you to come and start a successful business.

If you survive in Russia, then it will be easy for you in Panama. You can check yourself, but first consult with experts: what kind of company, on what terms, and how quickly can you open an enterprise: in the coming days or weeks?

Detailed advice on Panama for our readers: simply sign up at [email protected] and start a new stage in your business career.

Panama is suitable for both normal trading business, and for IT start-ups and a variety of services.

Panama is a great place to start your business abroad. The infrastructure created for doing business – works, and more importantly, there is a huge amount of opportunities to start your business abroad.

Low cost of living, developed banking system, and attractive tax legislation, besides, the government established a number of special programs and created several economic zones to attract foreign entrepreneurs. Panama

If you are interested – you could be one of such entrepreneurs … the answer is “YES!” For this, you just have to choose a good idea.

I want to introduce you to two examples of good places to start your business in Panama:

Probably, there is no one who does business in Panama who would not have heard anything about Panama Pacifico. This is one of the world’s largest development projects, which can safely be called a “city in the city.” It is located in Panama City, near the Pacific entrance to the Panama Canal, near the city bridge that connects two American continents. Earlier, in this territory was located the American military air base “Howard”.

please-5 Currently, residents of this business zone, engaged in certain activities, can benefit from tax incentives. So, for example, you can open a store and not pay taxes at all, for the delivery of goods and services to ships and passengers, both in the local port and in any of the Mega-ports of Panama. The special economic zone, or as it is called here – Special Economic Area “Panama Pacifico,” has already attracted such business giants as 3M, UPS, Mailboxes, etc.

But small businesses are already beginning to seize the former military base … but there is still so much missing. There is an office that provides daycare for the sick, one petrol station, and several other enterprises are open. Already, hundreds of people live here, and more than 2500 people come here every day to work. These poor people have nowhere to go for a coffee or a good meal at lunchtime. Most people who live and work here – are pegasi-2 foreigners, and their number is constantly increasing. Start your business here now, and you will have the opportunity to choose from until all the places are dismantled. You can start with something like the organization of shopping tours around Panama City for passengers of ships, which are always in abundance.

Small, stable, and eco-friendly.

Any inhabitant of Panama will describe the seaside town of Pedasi as a sleepy fishing town. It is clean and quiet, with an incredibly friendly local population of less than 4,000 people. Here everyone knows each other, but they are so friendly to visitors that you start to feel at home from the first minutes. This is a place where days drag on for a long time, and people are completely in no hurry.

please-1 Pedasi has all the advantages of a rural environment near the growing city of Chitre. Since there are excellent beaches and developed infrastructure, foreign travelers have already considered the benefits Pedashi has to offer. But there is still an incredible number of non-filled niches. Recently, regular flights from the capital have been resumed. And since the world economy began to get out of the crisis, it may be now the right time to come here and start your business abroad.

In the city itself and in its district, here and there, there are small offices offering diving and surfing. Several companies offer sea fishing. But for the time being, there is not a single enterprise offering tourist services for less advanced, loving comfort travelers. The motto of this town can serve: Small, stable, and eco-friendly.

Come, and you’ll see for yourself. You can supply products for children of immigrants, open a service for the exchange of movies or even organize a dating service. And in what is here



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