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“The Bear Came Over the Mountain” and “Away from Her”

The book publishing is a massive business like the movie industry. The fans wait for a new edition of their favorite book as enthusiastically as the film lovers wait for the launch of their films. The books could influence the emotions equally if written in impactful ways like the person is seeing and viewing things. The power of words could let an individual imagine what the writer wants to say through developing the perception through the phrase used in the text. Though, the movies can depict or perform the message quite quickly and could let the viewers understand what they want to communicate through simply speaking or performance.

The movie and the book written on the same topics can create a comparison in seeing that which has influenced the reader or the viewer to stay motivated or till the end. The short story “The Bear Came Over the Mountain” and the short film” Away from Her” are developed on the plot of Alzheimer’s. The disease was highlighted in 2004, and once it gained much importance due to increased patients in the services center, the directors and the writers identified it as a potential plot for developing a story or a movie to attract fans attention.

The story and the movie both are focusing the couples facing the Alzheimer’s disease. The similarity is that in both cases the wife is the patient facing the Alzheimer’s and the husbands are the one trying to overcome the emotional trauma for making their wives let go to the services center for looking after well.

The story “The Bear came over the Mountain, ” and the movie will be discussed below separately for evaluating the effect of media. It will help to identify that if the content could better explain the subject or the additional performance is needed.

“The Bear came over the Mountain.”

Alice Munro has taken the disease Alzheimer’s like the perfect plot for writing a short touching story about the love, hate, and jealousness of love life between a couple. The story explains the bitter truth of life that how a companion may react towards other partners aging or even deal with the problems of aging with them being aged. The story began with a beautiful girl proposing her to be husband, and at once the story switched to the same women after fifty years of marriage entering a facility due to the dementia disease (Su, 2015).

Munro has successfully able to present the past mixing with the present to tell that how she was when she was young and with age what Dementia has done to her. The Fiona, the main role was a lively and loving woman, but now she has even forgotten her husband’s name. The story tells well about the foundation of the long term relationships and how people in the past use to ignore each other’s flaws for maintaining the marriage.

Grant, Fiona’s husband, was a university professor and was known for his immoral character. He uses to seduce other women and among whom the majority of them were married and were few girls as well. Fiona, being wife had the idea that her husband is cheating on her but just to protect her marriage and bring him back to her she never complained rather kept it inside her. Thus, such situations turned her prone to Dementia, and she caught the disease being younger than Grant. However, when Grant was unable to look after her wife, he finally decided to leave her at the facility. There out of loneliness and the depression over the years, Fiona started getting closer to another patient having a similar disease. Once the woman who spent her entire life ignoring her husband’s deeds have now actually forgotten his name.

As Grant gave little attention to Fiona and her condition demanded more love and care, she found this with another man. Thus, Grant seeing it couldn’t believe and felt jealous but it was of no use because Fiona had no aims in her life but just to spend her time with someone loving and caring about her. Thus, the side by side plotting of the story helped the reader to anticipate that something different is coming ahead and kept the reader to continue reading the story.

Away From Her

The movie is based upon the subject of Alzheimer’s and how it can be deteriorating for a married couple. This health issue comes over with time. Moreover, the movie is built upon the similar story line of the “The Bear came over the Mountain.” However, is directed by a different artist. Thus, the difference between the influences of the two Medias is required to analyze that if the person behind writing or directing the movie and the story has been influential enough to capture the attention (Filley, 2007).

The movie Away from her opens up with an aged couple. The wife is facing difficulties due to Alzheimer and is even putting the frying pan into the fridge. Considering her condition, she decides to leave and go to the facility so that her husband may not be disturbed. While going on there the way to the care center, they remembered their past years because Grant, the husband may not be able to see his wife for thirty days and they were fine with it.

Thus, she went off to the facility, and the husband started seeking for a new companion. The movie though good but was too pure or may even deviate the viewer as it had no twists and even lesser emotions than the story. The writer in the story “The Bear came over the Mountain” showed the past and the present of the couple together. It made the author understand the gravity of the situation and the depth of the relationship. However, the movie began with an elderly couple and the woman facing difficulties managing her daily life chores.

Thus, after going through the story and the movie on the same topic, it felt as if the story had more influence because in the film the characters had to communicate the message through the dialogues and expressions. However, in the story, the words were only influential and had power over the reader. Both the medias have an impact over there followers, but the story writing demands more attention and applauds for the same topic.

The media has the influence on its followers. It can be well understood through the comparison that if a movie made on the same story on which the book has been published earlier and how much it has attracted the readers. In majority of the scenarios the viewer’s appreciate the story more in the written form then developing it as a movie. For the reason that it may spoil the real essence of the story. Similar happened, I guess with the story and the movie discussed here. The topic was same the characters were similar. The only thing different was that the viewers were seeing it then reading it. The individual who may have read the book has the idea that what is waiting for them in the movie and a slightest loose end may not let them appreciate the movie because they may expect it to be more perfect then the book. Any movie developed on the story line of the book needs more attention when transforming as a movie because the readers are enthusiastic that how better it could be in a different media. Therefore, the power of media shall reveal differently for influencing the followers.


Filley, C. (2007). ‘AWAY FROM HER’ — A LOVE STORY IN THE GRIP OF ALZHEIMER DISEASE. Neurology Today7(12), 20.

Su, Y. (2015). The Temporal Art of the Short Story The Bear Came Over the Mountain. Theory And Practice In Language Studies5(3), 535.



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