Academic Master

Health Care

The Auricular Acupuncture For The Veterans

The key purpose of this study is to determine how feasible and acceptable the usage of auricular acupuncture for veterans is. The key thing that needs to be kept in mind is what are some of the problems that are faced during the course of auricular acupuncture when it is provided to veterans and what sort of impact it has over the long-term health of the patients who seem to be suffering from the Post Traumatic disorder. Looking at the available literature on the subject, one can see the result of wrist actigraphy on patients and veterans.

Literature Review

Historical Perspective of the Current Study

With the passage of time, there was an increasing perception that the traditional Western techniques needed to be used with some other techniques to make sure that better results are achieved when it comes to some of the issues that are faced by the veterans (Zawril & Saulon, 2015). The key problem that was witnessed during the whole time period was how some of the traditional methods were not effective when it came to the problems faced by the veterans (Zawril & Saulon, 2015). Auricular acupuncture is a technique that is considered to be effective when it comes to the resolution of the problem (Zawril & Saulon, 2015).

Relationship between the Previous Research and Current Research

In the past, not enough thought and consideration have been put towards the fact that some of the nonconventional techniques have provided relief to patients and veterans who are suffering from PTSD. It was with the passage of time that it was realized that some of the more common methods of treatment were ineffective when it comes to the overall treatment. When the current research was carried out on the ailment, it showed how it can offer improvement in some of the symptoms, such as headaches and musculoskeletal pain (Zawril & Saulon, 2015).

Evaluation of the Methodology and Some of the Key Studies

With the passage of time, growing evidence has been mounted that has pointed towards the fact that how auricular acupuncture is going to be effective when it comes to sorting out some of the traditional issues that are faced by veterans who are suffering from PTSD (Zawril & Saulon, 2015). For instance, when the study was carried out using the qualitative research methodology, the idea was to make sure that the thematic content analysis was being used when employing auricular acupuncture for the treatment of veterans (Hernández et al. 2016). About seventeen active veterans provided written comments about the study that was carried out regarding the feasibility of auricular acupuncture (Zawril & Saulon, 2015). The key thing that was observed during the whole thing was a significant improvement in the symptoms after the three-week time period (Zawril & Saulon, 2015). The initial concern during the earlier phase of the study was how the patients would respond to the auricular acupuncture and whether the whole procedure would be comfortable for them. Contrary to the common perception, the positive thing was that how more or less all the recipients of the treatment were extremely receptive regarding the way it was carried out (Hernández et al. 2016).

Comparing and Contrasting different Findings

Looking at some of the studies, there is a certain point of difference regarding whether auricular acupuncture is supposed to be used in conjunction with other Western techniques. There is some literature that supports the notion that auricular acupuncture is supposed to be used alone as it is good enough to provide results. On the other hand, there are instances when it has been witnessed how using it in synch with other Western methods of treatment is likely to provide improved results. Thus, it is one of the areas where a certain degree of inconsistency exists (Boon et al. 2016).


The key thing that needs to be noted here is how auricular acupuncture has provided good results to patients who are suffering from PTSD (Boon et al. 2016). At the same time, the other thing that is very encouraging with regard to the results is that the veterans were very receptive to the overall treatment (Boon et al. 2016). Some of the other techniques had also been used, such as medications, and psychotherapy was one of the methods that were being used in combination with auricular acupuncture, and the results at the initial level were encouraging, to say the least (Boon et al. 2016).


Boon, H., Gaboury, I., Balneaves, L. G., Tsui, T., Ng, J. Y., & Bozinovski, N. (2016). 2016 INCAM Research Symposium: Expanding Person-Centred Care through Integrative Health Research. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, 13(4), eA1-eA27.

Hernández, T. D., Brenner, L. A., Walter, K. H., Bormann, J. E., & Johansson, B. (2016). Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) following traumatic brain injury (TBI): Opportunities and challenges. Brain Research, 1640, 139-151.

Zawril, S., & Saulon, K. (2015). The Nursing Management of Emergence Delirium: A Mixed-Methods Study.

In this section, we will see the overall methodology that is going to be used during the course of this paper.


The main idea would be to make sure that the veterans who are suffering from PTSD are provided with a variety of treatments and how they respond to it.


The participants of this study are going to be veterans in the age group of 50-60 years.

Research Design

Again, the research design will be comprised of a questionnaire that will pertain to their responses to the treatment.



Analysis Design

During the course of the analysis, some statistical tools such as SPSS will be used to make sure that better ideas regarding the issues that people are facing are developed.


The variety of symptoms that were faced by the veterans was sorted out, and they were extremely comfortable with the way the results of the study were carried out (Boon et al. 2016). The key theme that emerged with regard to the result was how they were experiencing improved sleep quality after the treatment. Not only that, but the decreased pain level also went a long way towards making sure that the level of pain that was being provided to the patients was lowered. The key thing that was witnessed was that the level of comfort was evident during the course of the treatment, which was one of the biggest things that worked in favour of future research (Boon et al. 2016).



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