Academic Master


Sustainable Public Transportation in Our Society

The term “sustainable transportation” refers to an affordable mode of transport that is energy-efficient and has zero carbon emissions. This mode of transportation includes electric and alternative-fuel transport which promotes zero reliance of public transportation options on foreign sources such as fuel. Other benefits of sustainable public transportation in the United States include zero carbon emissions, affordable transportation for all Americans, and enhanced energy security. This also enhances job creation, ensures less air pollution due to no burning of fossil fuels, and enhances independence due to reliable transportation options. This paper explores how sustainable public transportation in the United States requires fewer foreign sources such as fuels and gases to operate which improves gas mileage. It also improves vehicle efficiency with added tools of all-electric, plug-in hybrid, and hybrid-electric vehicles.

Advancing Sustainable Public Transportation in the American Society

Millions of people in the United States rely on public transportation options because these vehicles reduce emissions and conserve fuel. So, Americans as a responsible nation prefer energy-saving and fuel-efficient vehicles to help their environment. With a wider focus and reliance on sustainable public transportation options, Americans can reap numerous benefits in the future as a result of sustainable transportation to benefit the natural environment. There are many key benefits at the individual level to help build sustainable cities as big cities in the United States experience congested roads and increased emissions due to reliance on older vehicles. Traffic congestion has negative impacts on social costs as it results in severe accidents on roads, physical inactivity, and air pollution which can be restricted with public transportation options to keep the neighborhood safe across the roads. Besides, the economic costs of traffic congestion due to older and non-sustainable transport include negative impacts such as slow delivery of services and goods as well as wastage of time while being struck in the traffic. Furthermore, the upper class can buy and manage their own cars however lower class completely relies on public transport options which is a daunting issue for the lower class population of the USA. To overcome this issue, sustainable public transport aims to improve mobility as well as access to transport services for people at an affordable cost. Public transportation manages economic costs while ensuring public safety as it manages traffic congestion for people of the United States who need to get to work, education, family, services, or goods (Barton & Gibbons, 2017). Thus, the sustainability of public transport around the United States helps people at the individual level to create sustainable, vibrant, and livable cities.

Benefits of Sustainable Public Transportation

In the United States, the transportation network forms the pillar upon which the economy of the country runs significantly as it provides services, businesses, and jobs to the people around the USA among many other benefits. The development of sustainable transportation in the United States allows every individual in American society to have basic access to public transport that supports the competitive economy and offers consistent ecosystem health. This mode operates an efficient and affordable mode of transport, promotes balanced regional development, and enhances equity among successive generations. It minimizes the impacts on the generation of noise in the cities and limits emissions for the development of renewable substitutes while enhancing the planet’s ability to absorb more carbon and greenhouse gases that are emitted from standard vehicles which use petroleum. So, the environmental impacts of transportation that use petroleum and other renewable or non-renewable resources can be reduced by enhancing and improving the role of sustainable public transport especially electric vehicles so that the USA can lower its environmental footprints to combat climate change (Global Mobility Report 2017 .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform, n.d.).

In conclusion, it is the basic right of the American population to decide what mode of transport they should rely on. However, the standard vehicles offer daunting problems to the ecosystem and have severe safety and environmental concerns because congestions lead to road crashes that are subsequently the leading cause of death in the United States. Thus, the American population is in need and agreement of enhancing sustainable public transportation options to enhance efficiency, control carbon emissions, and enhance the preservation of renewable resources. This way, Americans can remain protected in their immediate environment and can also enjoy the luxury of secure transport facilities in their society while saving fuel and money.


Barton, M. S., & Gibbons, J. (2017). A stop too far: How does public transportation concentration influence neighbourhood median household income? Urban Studies, 54(2), 538–554.

Global Mobility Report 2017 .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform. (n.d.). Retrieved September 16, 2022, from



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