Academic Master


Success Evaluation Plan

The metrics to measure success vary from one person to another. What others see as their ultimate goal might only be a small accomplishment for another on the way to one’s fundamental objectives. Social status, reputation in the community, wealth and assets, self-satisfaction, dominion and worth of thoughts are the parameters by which I evaluate success. Keeping each of these parameters in sight, I have managed to formulate my short-term and long-term goals.

Before sharing my goals, I would like to share my strengths and weaknesses. My strengths include being passionate about volunteer work and social participation and possessing strong thoughts to influence others. I have been able to successfully lead a number of campaigns during school, too, which serve as adequate motivation to pursue new ones. Although I own such strengths, there are downsides, too. I have been financially challenged for the past few years, so a limited budget impedes the implementation of any large-scale plan as of now.

The goal I would want to achieve in the near future is to start a campaign to stir up the public for reforms in the healthcare sector. The initiative would not only serve as potential improvements in health care for the general public but would also work as my reputation enhancer. Seven years from now, I want to build enough fortune so that I can start a welfare centre for the less fortunate portion of the public. To achieve that, I would strive to start my own software development firm. In fact, I have already started working on my freelance profile, which has the tendency to become the foundation of my ambitious plan. Owning a large sum of wealth is not the ultimate accomplishment as a parameter of success, as mentioned in the beginning exhibit. I can achieve self-satisfaction mainly through working for the welfare of society.



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