Academic Master


Students at risk Essay

Discussion Post Unit 6

Students at risk mean those students who are at risk of failing academically or they have disciplinary complications. For such students, alternative educational programs are implemented like Social-emotional learning (SEL) system or remedial educational program (REP). The social and emotional learning system is used to help a child develop skills essential to managing emotions and skills to apply the knowledge efficiently. On the contrary Remedial Educational program (REP) is designed to help students who are facing problems in reading, writing, and math.

These programs are beneficial for students because it helps the students to develop skills of knowledge and behavior. In a research SEL, partakers demonstrated expressively enhanced social and emotional skills, behavior, academic performance and attitude as compared to the control group (Durlak, Weissberg, Dymnicki, Taylor, & Schellinger, 2011). The remedial educational program teaches skills or reading and writing and math which help them not only in academics but also in every field of life (Jacob & Lefgren, 2004). Both these methods enhance the ability and personality of the children.

Motivation means a stimulus which activates or guides behavior in a particular way. Motivational and behavioral learning theory is closely related to the belief that acts that have been reinforced in the past are more likely to be recurring than are behaviors that have not. This theory of motivation suggests giving rewards and punishments as a source of motivation. I can use this concept to motivate my students by providing positive reinforcement to them for their excellent performance and behavior and by giving negative reinforcements for their negative response. The theory of learned behavior also address the concept of learned helplessness as learned helplessness can also be induced in students as a form of negative reinforcement which will suppress unwanted behavior of the students, and the students will move towards the achievement.


Durlak, J. A., Weissberg, R. P., Dymnicki, A. B., Taylor, R. D., & Schellinger, K. B. (2011). The impact of enhancing students’ social and emotional learning: A meta‐analysis of school‐based universal interventions. Child Development, 82(1), 405–432.

Jacob, B. A., & Lefgren, L. (2004). Remedial education and student achievement: A regression-discontinuity analysis. Review of Economics and Statistics, 86(1), 226–244.



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