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Street Racing Essay

Street racing is a form a form of a race which is illegal and unsanctioned and usually occur on public roads. This race may be planned or unplanned. Unplanned races typically occur at the point where two cars stop at the intersection, and they begin to race. On the other hand, the competition which is well coordinated in most cases will have two people communicating through a two-way radio, and they use GPS units or police scanners which helps them in marking where police hotspots are located (Daigle np).

Street racing is illegalized in most countries since it is one of the risky, reckless forms of driving. The people involved in this race have a high chance of being injured. It happens because they fail to observe road signs and operate with very high speed just to ensure that they emerge winners. With this high speed, there are high chances of causing road accidents, which may not only harm them but also other people who are driving along the same road, the pedestrian and even spectators (Shnyrenkov et al. 325-330). Sustained injuries of street racing are usually more severe as compared to those of other accident because of the speed impact.

There are several ways which can be used to stop street racing. One of them is employing undercover officers in regions which are well known to be participating in this race. Having these officers will enable identifying those who are doing it and punish them accordingly. This will create fear among others who practice this deadly race, and they will stop to avoid the consequences (Wickens et al. 85-91). Another way is creating awareness. This can be accomplished by introducing television programs which on television which educate people of dangers of street racing and also advising them on how to stay away from such practices. With this idea in mind, most people will understand what street racing is all about, and also change their perception of it, and make them know it is a wrong way of having fun.

Work Cited

Shnyrenkov, Evgeny, and Igor Pryadko. “The Bologna Process: exacerbation of social competences among civil engineering students.” Procedia Engineering 117 (2015): 325-330.

Daigle, Deanne, Jane Seeley, and Evelyn Vingilis. “Street racing: the content analysis of coverage and framing by Canadian newspapers.” Proceedings of the 24th Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference. 2014.

Wickens, Christine M., et al. “Street racing among the Ontario adult population: Prevalence and association with collision risk.” Accident Analysis & Prevention 103 (2017): 85-91



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