Academic Master


South Pacific Song by Rodgers and Hammerstein

Andrea Most write, “The success of South Pacific requires some

investigation” (156). Do you think the success of the musical had to do with its

reinforcement, rather than disruption, of a familiar set of genetic codes? Refer to the

Cable/Liat relationship and, in particular, the mute character of Liat in your answer.

The success of ‘’south pacific’’ song by Rodgers and Hammerstein is genuine. Rodgers and Hammerstein in the song production introduced characters like Emile who is a non-racist and Cable who is a racist. The fight their way to the top despite inciting from many people. People dislike this song, and they advise Rodgers and Hammerstein to keep the South Pacific aside. The ‘south pacific’ song encourage marriages of people with different skin color. People like David C. Jones were against this song citing it is a threat to American culture. The cable went without any comment and did not fight for his song to become at the top (Most and Andrea, 325). The song praises the people of different color (blacks) on how they endure hardships courageously and advocating for them to be treated well. The song also encourages blacks and white to date thus cutting off ethnical differences. Legislators of Georgia dislike the song and causes a commotion during its production show that is taking place in Atlanta. Georgia Legislators also drafts a bill to eradicate the song, and they say it is a political idea of another country who is an enemy of America. Rodgers and Hammerstein’s aim was to make south pacific to be more successful compared to Oklahoma produced in 1943 and Course produced in 1945. On stage, these characters demonstrated how people of different color and ethnicity are treated in America. Through stage acting they make people realize having education and love era of discrimination will go away (Most and Andrea, 337). Demonstration help people to understand that they are equal and the same the only different thing is the skin color. Legislators and state representative trying to eradicate South Pacific didn’t succeed as it rises to the top. During World War 2 the blacks and other ethnic group’s discrimination stood at the top. Through accepting other people, it helps a country to have peace. Conflict brings chaos among people and the fellow countries that are enemies uses it as bait to accomplish victory. Rodgers and Hammerstein show state officials that they should stop discriminating people but bring harmony. Music and films reach out to many people through radios and thus bringing peace; people love to listen to music and record the message.

Examine the character of Emile, the French planter, a foreigner with two children

from a Polynesian woman (an absent character). Consider the historical context John

Bush Jones provides in “Broadway and the War” and the analysis Andrea Most offers

in “You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught.”

Emile is brought in by Rodgers and Hammerstein play the role of non-racist in the production of South Pacific. Emile demonstrates courageousness by talking back to Cable in a firm voice and stating that she is staying in the country no matter what happens (John and Jones. 2003). Through previous marriage to a foreigner, Emile indicates that he is not a discriminator based on ethnicity and color. Emile is a humble person, as despite being young and educated he chooses to get married to a person of the different ethnic group. Acting with a lot of passion, it shows he is a loving person. Emile shows he is a forgiving person by accepting Nellie engagement after she breaks it off. Nellie breaks the engagement on the realization that Emile has children from another person. Emile is demonstrated as a selfless person willing to fight for his fellow countrymen and women. (Most and Andrea, 307)

Works Cited

Jones, John Bush. “World War II and The Rodgers and Hammerstein Years.” (2003).

Most, Andrea. “” You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught”: The Politics of Race in Rodgers and Hammerstein’s South Pacific.” Theatre Journal 52.3 (2000): 307-337.



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