Academic Master


Social Reality Essay

Peter and Thomas in their book have described and linked their theories and the so-called symbolic interaction to American sociology. It is a very symbolic link since it started as a promising point for the analysis of the ordinary universal sense of human knowledge. Both Peter and Luckmann were determined to show the fact gets socially constructed which merely means that the objective of the feature of the world has retained a shape they have which is a result of social actions. The other meaning is that the element of the object can be understood through another scheme that is conceptual as well as incommensurable and irrefutable. One of the most enduring contributions which are being made is the one that is getting created through a social process as well as relations which iteratively produced by many social as well as individual actions (Berger, 1981).

Apparently, from the beginning, the authors have a conception of knowledge which was not standardized. It is the certainty that phenomena are in real-life situations whereby they possess specific features. The definition of this term has more to do with the degree of subjective confidence in an individual has. Additionally, the topic of knowledge whether it is sociologically or philosophical is an exciting aspect if it sheds light on the cognitive entities that needed to be arrived at as well as formulating the representations of the universe around them. In this book, the authors have tried to explain the sociology of knowledge theory by describing how society maintains and creates reality. The process requires being done both on a societal as well as an individual level (Berger, 1991).

Reality in its definition means a particular phenomenon that we can recognize by having our own independent volition. Knowledge indicates the certain aspects are real and have a specific character. Knowledge gets passed as well as accumulated on the understanding of what reality is by society. To be able to make an analysis of our daily life the book has suggested the phenomenological study which has tried to present a new observation of consciousness. The paper describes the continuation of social interactions which varies every day as we move forward each day from here to there. In the book, the importance of knowledge is emphasized in a very significant manner. Language has become a repository for accumulating experiences and meaning vast. The observation made shows that style has its origin as well as its references from daily life. The bridges observed in the languages and different zones of reality that integrate into a significant, temporal and social variation. Therefore, we can say that social fact is a construction that is constructed by society which consists of people who work at different levels (Pfadenhauer, 2017).

However, despite the fact that individuals make institutions it does not give a full definition of what social construction means. My overall assessment then implies an argument that is offered by Luckmann which I think will be negative. Instead, they are presenting an interpretation of a process of socialization whereby biology is even finished. The book has discussed a little about solving mental problem representation as well as it lacks assay on social cognition. It has been considered a recurring theme of all the alternative social realities which require a lot of understanding that need to be understood relating to humankind of stuff and norms. It is a reality that there are things in society that are inevitable about the specific interactions and codes in our community.


Berger, P. L., & Luckmann, T. (1991). The social construction of reality: A treatise in the sociology of knowledge (No. 10). Penguin Uk.

Berger, P. L., & Luckmann, T. (1981). The heretical imperative: Contemporary possibilities of religious affirmation.

Pfadenhauer, M. (2017). The New Sociology of Knowledge: The Life and Work of Peter L. Berger. Routledge.



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