Academic Master


Smartphone Observations and Inferences Table



Smartphone Observations and Inferences Table

Observations Inferences
Twenty-three unread emails The owner of the cell phone seems to be a professional one who remains so much busy that he couldn’t manage to see his emails.
A decent wallpaper It signifies that the owner of the cell phone is a decent and educated person.
An application for stocks The stock application shows that the owner of the cell phone has some involvement in the stock exchange business.
A particular folder for reports The report folder indicates that the owner of the cell phone is supposed to send and receive several reports as a part of their job.
A particular folder for events It seems that the owner of the cell phone is supposed to attend several events so they keep track of all the events in a specific folder.
A wallpaper and application with Swervcon International By looking at the wallpaper, it may be inferred that the owner of the cell phone works in Swervcon International.
Click Travel Application This application implies that the owner of the cell phone is widely traveling person.

Message to the Owner

Dear Sir / Mam,

Subject: The Lost Smartphone

With reference to the subject mentioned above, I would like to bring your kind knowledge that your lost smartphone has been found and is in our safe custody now. We are pleased to offer you to come and collect your cell phone at your earliest possible convenience as, being a professional one, you must need it to deal with your day-to-day business affairs.

Looking forward to having your prompt response in this regard!

Yours truly,

Observations and inferences most influenced the message

Almost all the observations and their relevant inferences influenced that message. Still, some of the most influenced observations include the wallpaper and application of Swervcon International that signify that the owner of the cell phone belongs to that particular organization and is a professional one having a busy working schedule that results in forgetting their cell phone most probably. Moreover, stock and reports applications testify that the owner is involved in several business adventures and is supposed to be busy most of the time.



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