Academic Master


Should Illegal Immigrants Be Granted Residency?

Countries around the world have adopted numerous legalization processes and programs to favor unauthorized or illegal immigrants with legal status. However, these initiatives have put the country’s security at risk due to entering a large number of immigrants in the country without any valid pass. It has now become a routine debate whether immigrants without any valid documentation or pass should be granted some social benefits as legal citizens. They want legal citizens’ morals and rights illegally to afford the benefits of the native residents. There are a number of reasons unauthorized immigrants should not be allowed in the United States. This argumentative essay strongly discusses those reasons why illegal immigrants should not be granted residency because of their unauthorized background and documentation. Besides, this essay also sheds light on the reasons how illegal immigrants are helpful for the economy of any country.

In the history of the United States, California is the state which has experienced the largest unauthorized immigrants from other countries who are still enjoying luxurious benefits as U.S. citizens because the legal citizens are paying taxes for them for many years. The strong reason why undocumented immigrants should be prohibited from residency and benefits is that a group of legal U.S. citizens pay taxes every year, get employment through legal ways, and abide by the law which illegal immigrants neglect. However, unauthorized immigrants use another person’s Social Security Number to get employed which is an illegal act in itself. Illegal immigrants are also accused of committing more crimes than native authorized citizens. They are criticized for attending public schools yet not paying the taxes and therefore government loses the financial aid money it spends to support that educational institute. Opponents also have objections that people illegally crossing the U.S. border or staying in the different states of America should be deported back to their countries as they are criminals and should not be awarded any social service including residency. Another reason for opposition stems from racism as they think that only Whites are eligible to have access to social services.

Contrary to this claim, the economic and demographic facts of having immigrants in any country support the contrastive claim that they should be granted residency because they have had equal, beneficial, and positive impacts on the United States’ economy for the past few years. Reginald Williams in his article (2019) “Illegal Immigration: A Case for Residency” states the reason which increases the demand of immigrants in certain states of the U.S. which is that immigrants are a significant element of the workforce in any country. Contrary to that, 41% of the native-born citizens oppose what Williams says as they view immigrants as a “burden” rather than “strength” of the country who take their jobs, health care, and housing benefits through illegal ways. The balance of expression of opinions over both claims of immigrants as “strength” or “burden” has been fluctuating over the years. Whereas most of the economists (55%) say that illegal immigrants are the “strength” of any country because they work hard and they have prospective potentials and talents as compared to Whites. (Reginald, 2019)

In summary, illegal immigration and the demands of illegal immigrants for their right to residency is a problem of the United States for a long time. It is an undeniable fact that immigrants have detrimental and beneficial impacts on the economy of the country especially of the United States because they come from diverse cultures with diverse talents and potentials. However, security, employment challenges, and law enforcement in the United States are the major concerns. Therefore, immigrants should be granted residency to showcase their potentials in the economy of the United States. However, the immigration system of the United States needs fixing with immigration reforms so that the amnesty should not be granted to the lawbreakers.


Williams, R. (2009). Illegal Immigration: A Case for Residency. Public Affairs Quarterly, 23(4), 309-323.



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