The modern world that promotes all forms of freedom of speech requires comedians to have rights similar to those of other people. People expect comedians to be controversial, so they offer a shock factor. Audiences need to be offended by comedians when they present a joke. An offence that is picked from a joke that lacks sensitivity to a particular issue is understood well. Therefore, an individual who is offended by something does not imply that a different person will be upset, too. A joke that can offend different persons can also be the same joke that can be a very good amusement. It is important to note that there is a difference between harassment, abuse and offence because some people can see an offence but are still allowed to say it. Mayhem in comedy is usually a product of joking at the expense of issues and not joking about a particular thing. This is how comedy should be understood, and it is the nature of comedy. The argument on whether comedy should be censored is an issue that anger continues in different ideologies.
Comedy has been in existence in many spaces, ranging from freedom to state anything, such as politicians and journalists, and it is a thing to rejoice and not to censor. Good comedy gives people the right to make fun and poke at society. It also helps to get the humour in small things that cannot be recognised (Little 161). There is no reason why comedy should be censored in the current world where there is freedom of speech. However, bad things have made this discussion on the relationship between parody and freedom of speech thrive. According to Frankie Boyle, there should be a concern about how people choose to take an offence. Boyle is an expert in matters that bring a lot of controversy to comedy. Most comedy experts believe that they can only get offended when the offence does not prove to be offending someone. For example, when a particular comedy has female characters who want to have babies and protest, more than the reality, it is set the famine. For such an expert, it would mean that cliché, poorly written, lazy comedy is offensive and not the issue it deals with.
Comedy has always been important for helping people cope with the horrors of life. Phil Clarke who heads Channel 4s agrees that he decides on the works, he then echoes Grainne’s speech that was poorly done and offensive. However, his primary task is to assign talented writers to do their job (Kucera 123). Looking at the comedy done by Malcolm Hardee live, at the last part he vowed on showing his bollocks, but a couple that was offended wanted to know why he showed his bollocks, he didn’t know why he got his bollocks out. According to Clarke, if a comedian makes a joke that may offend people, it is good to know the reasons for doing such action because that is the main aim of a joke. A great comedy typically goes beyond boundaries and can even incite discussion on some serious matters. It depends on how the comedy is written and the point, and that is the reason why comedy should not be censored. For instance, ROOTS is good art that has successfully educated the masses on atrocities of the race without any form of comedy. Satire goes hand in hand with current affairs. Some good satires are not funny; however, they add to public discourse. This might be different, but it is the work of comedians to weigh what they can say.
Taking an offence can provoke many people, result in an argument, and alter the understanding of the issue. Additionally, it can cause people to have high temperaments, resulting in fights. What can offend people can also be the same thing that can be a very good source of entertainment. It is important to draw a difference between harassment, abuse and offence because some people can see an offence but are still allowed to say it. Pandemonium in comedy is normally a product of joking at the expense of issues and not joking about a particular thing. A joke that despises something is disempowering in society and can result in an offence. Sometimes, well-written jokes can be an offence when people interpret them differently in different contexts (Varol 555). If the audience is offended by something that they cannot understand from a different perspective, it is good to ignore it and not hit the screen with the remote control.
Comedy has been in existence in many areas, ranging from freedom to state anything, such as politicians and journalists, and it is a thing to rejoice and not to censor. Comedy gives people the right to have fun and poke at society. It also helps to get humour in small things that cannot be recognised. There is no reason why comedy should be censored in the current world where there is freedom of speech. However, it is important to understand the line that separates an acceptable joke and an offence. An extraordinary comedy goes beyond limits and can even incite debate on some serious matters. It depends on how the humour is written and the point, and that is the reason why comedy should not be censored. Freedom of speech requires comedians to have rights similar to those of other people.
Works Cited
Kucera, Emily. “Late Night Comedy and its Effect on the Public’s Political Opinion.” (2015).
Little, Laura E. “Laughing at Censorship.” Yale JL & Human.28 (2016): 161.
Varol, Ozan O. “Revolutionary Humor.” S. Cal. Interdisc. LJ 23 (2014): 555.