Academic Master


Should anything be done to curb the rise in offensive lyrics in music?

In the evolving era of modernism, the media industry has been on open leashes without conforming to any type of moral obligations or censorship policies. This point of notion is especially directed toward entertainment media. The movies, songs, television shows, and dramas produce nowadays are full of offensive and violent content. A large number of the population is affected by such offensive media content because they religiously follow their media icons. This essay tends to unveil the impact of offensive musical lyrics on people’s behavior and the reasons for implementing censorship policies against offensive musical lyrics.

There are several reasons for censoring some offensive and violent musical lyrics. The first reason is the indestructible power of music on negative human minds and aggressive human behavior. The art of musical language is understood by everyone. Therefore, music is known as the most influential form of art which impacts human minds and behaviors. In recent years, it has become very commanding and authoritative in the human mind. However, the current music industry releases music that envisages drug addiction, sex, violent acts, suicides, love affairs, fights, and abusive language. These themes inculcate negative behaviors within the mentality of people. The musical lyrics exhibit violent and offensive verbal messages which are increasing aggressive behavior and negative emotions within human minds. Therefore, it is pertinent to address the rising issue of offensive and violent lyrics used in the music industry to diminish destructive and violent behavior.

The second reason to censor musical lyrics involves the common use of abusive language and negative labels. The use of abusive language has become a traditional concept in the music released nowadays which is accepted by the people also. Specifically, rap music incorporates abusive and offensive lyrics. The singers use negative and abusive labels within the lyrics which comes in the paradigm of offensive behavior. Mainly these abusive words are used against women in the musical lyrics. Many Singers are offensive lyrics and visuals in their music videos which is spoiling the modesty and decorum of our society. The most dreaded aspect of this issue is that the youth is following such types of offensive lyrics and use such words in their daily lives. The youth is happily accepting these offensive and violent lyrics by making these lyrics part of their daily language. Our youth readily accepts such musical lyrics and finds it cool to use such offensive words in their social lives and families.

The third reason for censoring the offensive lyrics is the incorporation of violent suicidal themes within the lyrics. The major part of musical lyrics is about killing someone or getting killed in a love affair. The violent themes are usually paired with love affairs which spoil and manipulate the human minds to conduct such violent acts. According to various studies, the major proportion of suicide attempts are due to offensive and violent lyrics. The song lyrics talk about killing someone or getting killed for love. These absurd themes propagate negative feelings in human minds resulting in them committing suicide. Several depressing songs reflect suicide themes that require censorship.

In a nutshell, the censor board committees should take radical steps to devise new standards and policies to tackle such offensive musical lyrics to promote positive cultural standards and norms within the society. Various studies have been conducted on listening to violent and offensive songs which have validated a substantial increase in aggressive and violent behavior by listening to such musical lyrics. Therefore, the government and media industry should collaborate on strategies and censorship policies to reduce the exposure of people to such musical lyrics.



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