Academic Master


Sexual Objectification Inference


Sexual objectification is a prevalent topic to discuss. It is common practice to listen and admire the body of the woman due to her physical beauty. The concept of objectification explains merely the natural part of one’s life that would be positive or negative. The feminist theory of sexual objectification always has a negative inference.

Main Claim

The main claim of this study is that the concept of morality will fail due to failure to respect human beings’ humanity. Also, women experience and practice pervasive, chronic and systematic disadvantages. It will allow the others to perceive and symbolize the female. As a result, women will assume it is direct and indirect material that will cause psychological harm.


In the text, one can observe where the three photos of Sheridan actress enjoying a Tennis Classic, her miniskirt lifted up to expose her dark underpants. This text is disclosing the context of objectification that why people feel love to play Tennis. It elaborates actress is showing herself as the best athletic performer, on the other side she also appears herself as a sexual tool.

The spectator can analyze the link of text with the interaction that he experiences. It argues what type of connotations and desires will stimulate the reader.

The act of treating the people as things of the drives of another. It does not relate to the context of equality, respect, or humanity. It is considered objectification, which is always problematic concerning morality. However, Plato did the analysis to relate things that are different to evaluate subjective qualities. These objects are different cognitively(Plato,p.95)

Mackinnon and Dworkin pointed out it is not essential to oppose the concept of objectification. Furthermore, it is a part of human sexual life. It cannot be omitted or excluded. It is not always assumed wrong to use the human being as an object or thing. Under some circumstances, this concept can be considered as problematic.

Works Cited

“A Companion To Plato’s Republic.” Google Books. N. p., 2018. Web. 9 Apr. 2018.



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