Academic Master

Education, English

SEI strategies in SIOP Lesson Plan

SIOP Lesson Plan Template
Standards: Louisiana Standards for ELL.
Theme: Science Biology. The students will explore the relationship between human activities and ecosystem (LS-H-D4).
Lesson Topic: Negative impacts of human activities and ecosystem.

Language enhancement:

  • It will add new vocabulary.
  • It will enhance speaking, listening and writing.
  • Help learners to identify different factors such as air and water pollution.
  • Will allow them to compare ecosystem with the community.

Learning strategies:

  • They will identify areas suffering from produce air and water pollution.
  • They will identify the role of factories and human activities.
  • Students will highlight risks such as consumption of fuel and their impacts the environment.

Duration: the total duration of the program includes four weeks.
Key vocabulary: The plan will develop vocabulary including new terms; ecosystem, air pollution, conservation

  • ELL listening will allow slow speakers to improve fluency.
  • Writing will allow creating complex content.
  • Visual literacy will enhance the ability to analyze things.
  • It will allow students to use supporting equipments including charts, multimedia, visuals, Placards.
  • It will help students in delivering the prepared content on the assigned topic.
  • They will use appropriate language for representing the issues related to the ecosystem.
  • It will allow them to use adequate materials for explaining the negative role of human activities.
  • It will allow students to share ideas and information.
  • The activities will build coordination among learners.
  • It will help in developing team capabilities.
  • Enhance cultural diversity


Lesson preparation for ELL will depend on different stages related to literacy and English proficiency. A well-designed lesson plan will emphasize on building background knowledge, providing explicit instructions and modeling, guiding practice, peer practice and assessing content learned. The emphasis of SIOP model is on developing grade-level content and skills among native and non-native students (Lousiana, 2010).


Teachers will activate the prior knowledge of students in the initial stage of building background. Teachers will build links between prior and incoming materials that help students in ELL. The process involves assessing students knowledge about ecosystem and pollution using instructional strategies for enhancing learning styles and experiences. Building background knowledge will be effective in creating links between different concepts. The background will enhance students’ ability to comprehend ideas in-depth.
In the course, teachers will identify the shortcomings and non-familiarity of students with ecosystems. Comprehensible input will provide interactive learning facilities for understanding human activities like consumption of fossil fuels and industrial waste. Comprehensible input in reading will use a pre-teach vocabulary aiming at promoting reading texts. It will also provide native language support to students through bilingual versions. The plan will use texts with visuals, reading aloud and audiobooks enhance learning capabilities. It will include graphic organizers and maps for providing profound learning experiences. Comprehensible input for listening and speaking will involve enhancement of speaking ability and language proficiency. Advanced vocabulary will help schools in the state to attain advanced ELP.
ELL listening will allow slow speakers to improve the capability of learning complex and new terminologies. The strategy will allows students to write the complex terms and connect with the spoken words. EEL visualization adopts the techniques of visual literacy, graphic organizers, charts and manual video. Visual literacy will concentrate on enhancing ELP through movie analysis including documentaries on negative impacts of human activities on the ecosystem. It will include photos to guide learners about the topic. SIOP model will suggest the use of multimedia and latest technology for enhanced learning (Kareva & Echevarria, 2013). Improved interaction between students and teachers remains the central concern of the ELP. To enhance interaction, the ELP standards will focus on group projects and cooperative learning. The purpose is to improve the interaction between students and students as well. The assigning group will create a positive environment as students will exchange ideas and views. To build string interaction, ELP will emphasize on creating openness. Working with string English speakers will provide benefits to the learners.

Practice and application

Practice and application of material will involve a variety of activities encouraging students in application of language skills and content. Common materials used for the practice will include group work and assignments, hands-on materials and partner work. According to SIOP model in case of second language learners, the practice will emphasize on the application of reading, listening, speaking and writing. Students will give a presentation on the topic, covering all aspects of human activities and its relevance to the environment. Teachers will build with oral language skills among learners. Lesson delivery will focus on the activities that appeal students and use appropriate wait time, so that allow students to process information. ELP instructions for wait time will allow teachers to confirm learner’s mental engagement (Shot, 2002).

Review and assessment

Evaluations will allow trainers to keep track of the students throughout the lesson plan. SIOP trainers will identify the difficulties and gap in learning to rethink the strategies needed for addressing weaknesses. Trainers will use feedbacks to evaluate the performance of students. Teachers will follow the rubrics defined by ELP standards to evaluate students learning capabilities. The examination of trainers will align with the ELP standards. Efficient assessment and review of learners under SIOP will use adequate materials such as performance criteria and rubrics, tests, writing samples, oral presentation recordings and speaking.
Evaluation will assess the performance of students using rubrics, tests, writing samples, oral presentation recordings and speaking.
Kareva, V., & Echevarria, J. (2013). Using the SIOP Model for Effective Content Teaching with Second and Foreign Language Learners. Journal of Education and Training Studies, Vol 1, No 2, 239-248.
Lousiana. (2010). Biology Science. Retrieved March 01, 2018, from
Shot, D. (2002). Language learning in sheltered social studies classes. TESOL Journal, 11(1), 18–24.



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