Academic Master

Human Resource And Management

Rude Employee

Write a three-page essay summarizing a situation on the job that required you or your supervisor to have to use analytical skills and make cognitive managerial choices. What was observed and what recommendations or changes could have been made or done differently?

Some employees may employ rudeness as a response tactic to humiliating situations their colleagues might have put to them. For instance, when their coworkers disrespect them, they grow comfortable treating others similarly. As a result, the workplace turns chaotic and toxic. Mainly, the rudeness problem grows from one employee despising another. Human resource managers and supervisors need to intervene in such cases because interpersonal aggression between employees can cost the organization a lot; the aggression may cost health issues, lead employees to leave work, and reduce productivity.

Due to the unbecoming behaviors that may arise in an organization, supervisors and human resource managers need to be endowed with analytical skills and cognitive managerial sources to help solve the issues. Analytical skills are problem-solving skills that help the supervisors to analyze both simple and complex issues for the good of the company and employees (Azeem et al., 2021). Other skills such as attention to detail, critical thinking, decision making, and research are sandwiched in analytical skills. They are equally significant in analyzing any arising issue and obtaining the ultimate solution.

The Situation in My Organization

The supervisor in the organization I work had to terminate a particular employee who would behave unbefittingly. Overwhelmed with attitude, this particular worker would, on several occasions, approach fellow workers with rude sentiments. Fellow employees laid many complaints regarding the employee’s rudeness and called the supervisor’s attention. The supervisor indulged in research and investigation regarding the rude employees and documented the incident. Afterward, the supervisor gave the employee a verbal warning and organized a staff meeting to discuss the issue. The employee repeated the inappropriate behavior. Nonetheless, the management organized for the employee’s counseling and a writing up concerning the unlikely behavior. When the behavior reoccurred, the employee was sent home and a warning issued that this employee’s job would be terminated for defying the warning.

Application of the Analytical Skills in the Situation


When the supervisor received the complaints against the rude employee, he considered every detail to observe and keep track of the employee’s information. The employer also organized staff meetings and approached the coworker in a private and courteous chat regarding the issue. He politely expressed his worries regarding the employee’s unacceptable behavior and the ordeal that the behavior could wreak. The supervisor also tried much to restrain from being judgmental or accusing the employee. Rude employees may be unaware that their rudeness and words offend others. Hence, talking to them politely helps them understand how their actions make others feel. In solving the problem also, it is good to approach other coworkers and get their views regarding the negative characters exhibited by their fellow workers. Relying on other employees’ views, the supervisor might get insight into the rude conduct exhibited, enabling them to deal with the issue effectively.

Research and Investigation

If one of the employees portrays undesirable behavior, fellow employees or supervisors are required to voluntarily conduct independent research instead of getting information from a secondary party. Here, the members involved in the research use analytical skills to establish the scope of their research determine the relevant information that can help them synthesize the information for the application. When the supervisor received a complaint from employees regarding the rudeness of one of the employees, he engaged in instant steps to discourage the alleged conflict. First, the supervisor ensured he would protect the confidentiality of the employee while conducting a pronto and effective investigation. Although he could keep most of the information confidential, the investigation demanded that he disclose some of the information obtained from the initial complaint, interview, and records. The supervisor explained that the information would be kept confidential to the employees involved. Still, some information would be shared among the witnesses and the accused to make the investigation process reliable.

The accused employee enjoyed interim protection from the management in the investigation period. Nonetheless, he had to be separated from other employees when he was sent home to save them from the continued harassment. The leave of absence that the rude employee received was necessary, but the supervisor discouraged involuntary complaints against the rude employee’s case. All through the process, the supervisor worked closely with the alleged rude employee to arrive at an optimal solution—moreover, the supervisor relevant investigators who could investigate the case objectively without bias.

Problem Solving

The best way to solve problems regarding destructive behaviors in an organization is to ensure that only employees with moral standards are employed. Supervisors and employers must restrain despising behaviors in the workplace by stressing moral values within the organization. Occasionally, employers can organize ethics training to enhance desirable behavior across the company. In the case of this rude employee in my organization, the supervisor had to terminate him because it was evident that the person would not change. The employer gave the alleged rude employee feedback, explaining his issue and the best way he could improve.

Observations, Recommendation, and Conclusion

Rude employees who despise others in the workplace incite their fellow employees to model unbecoming behaviors. In responding to disrespect exhibited among the employees, supervisors should take steps such as those involving the application of analytical skills. They should take time to listen to the alleged disrespectful employees and give them helpful feedback while ensuring the security of the other coworkers. Documentation is vital in such cases, and employers should always refer to it before making a prudent decision that would demand them fire a worker.


Azeem, M. U., De Clercq, D., & Haq, I. U. (2021). Suffering doubly: How victims of coworker incivility risk poor performance ratings by responding with organizational deviance, unless they leverage ingratiation skills. The Journal of Social Psychology, 161(1), 86-102.



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