Academic Master


Research On Memory And Learning

Learning is a process that depends on the steps used. The following research will look at the various ways one can carry out the research one has. Memory can also be designed in a way that enables people to remember the most important things. There can be very important aspects of learning that can be used to ensure a given aspect of learning is also included within the process.


The behaviour of a person is influenced by a number of factors. Many people do not understand the factors that control the behaviour of individuals. To understand it better, the paper will look at different types of behaviour and the manner in which they can be influenced. Different research projects have come up with the things that can make one change the type of behaviour that he or she has. The paper will also look at the steps that can be taken at each step to come up with a certain aspect of behaviour. The research will also look at the various disorders that can result from a learning process that is not comprehensive. By looking at the research, one can learn the various ways that they can use to ensure they establish the relationship between the learning process and memory. The paper will also provide readers with different research methods they can use so that they can come up with information regarding memory and learning. The research is mainly based on the different types of learning that can be used and the effect that they have on a person’s memory.


The research is very important to a variety of people. There are many cases that always take place, and people fail to understand the reasons behind them. The quality of information that this paper will address will be important for both the people who are interested in studying behaviour as well as those who have narrowed down their study to learning and memory. People always wonder why others have good memories while some of them cannot remember some of the things they have been taught. The reasons might depend on the different behavioural aspects that affect the learning process. From childhood to adulthood, the cognitive ability of a learner is improved depending on the learning processes that he or she goes through. To establish a relationship between learning and memory, one needs to assess the different situations in which a researcher used different methods to come up with the best learning outcomes. People have come up with different theories that try to explain the relationship between learning and a person’s memory. At the end of the research, one will know whether memory and learning are close. One will also be able to tell whether the learning process can affect a person’s memory.

The paper will also focus on the different methods that can be used in the learning process. There will be a comparison between the different learning methods used, and finally, a decision can be reached on the type of learning process that is important in any given situation. The aspect that has made it necessary for this type of research to be carried out is the fact that people have been wondering why some people have good memories while others do not (Hanvanich, 2006). They wonder how it can be possible for a person to have the best memory while others fail to remember anything. It is the main scenario that shows why children perform differently while they are in school. The methods of learning, such as perceptual learning, learning based on relation and motor learning methods, will be of great importance in this research. They will help to know whether memory and learning are closely related.


The methods used in this research included the study of the book “Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience” as well as four other journals. The research mainly concentrated on the book because it provides an explicit view of the topic in question. The author has made it very clear in the book that the main intention of writing the book is to view different psychological issues and the manner in which they affect the learning process and memory of a person (KM, 2001). The book has also ensured that the main topic, which is learning and memory, is looked at closely so that it is able to show clearly whether learning and memory are always similar or related. The findings from the book and the journals are relevant to this research because they provide the answers to the topic. During the research, it was important that practicals also be engaged so that there could be proof of the theories. The various case studies that have been used prove the different assertions that were made before the start of the research. The main method that was used in this research is the use of the different methods of learning that have always been in use. The ability of a person to remember a certain concept depends on the ability of the same person to engage well in the learning process.

The book clearly gives different cases for the different learning methods so that there is a proper understanding of the concepts. Learning mainly depends on the manner in which stimulus is perceived by both the learner and the instructor. It also depends on the ability of a person to remember the past things that they have been taught. The ability to remember what has been taught in class differs from person to person. It is the reason why there are some people who have the ability to remember a lot of things about a certain concept while others find it hard to remember the same concept. The book, by looking at the different types of learning methods, provides a clear outline that can be used by anyone who wants to improve the quality of learning they get. It also shows the extent to which one can gain from all the learning methods. The methods of learning that have been looked at in this research include the following:

Perceptual Learning

This is a learning method that mainly relies on the ability of a learner to remember the things that he or she had been taught earlier. Learners are given the opportunity to describe the things that they know about a certain topic from the past experiences they have done. There are many pieces of evidence that show this is a learning process that is always in use. This main type of learning can best be used in situations where objects are involved. People have the ability to remember objects better than concepts. One of the situations in which one is able to use objects is when teaching technical subjects. One is always able to provide the best quality answers by looking at the past things they have seen about the topic. In a case where children are taught with the help of objects, they find it very easy to remember the fact that the objects were used. By simply remembering the objects, they are also able to remember the concepts that were taught during that period of time. The learning method greatly depends on the learner compared to the other methods. The instructor has to use the knowledge that the learner has in order to build the new knowledge they would wish to introduce.

Stimulus-Response Learning

Another common method of learning is stimulus-response learning, which does not depend on one’s past experiences. Under this type of learning, one behaves in a given way when a given stimulus is introduced. The behaviour also varies from individual to individual. This is the reason why when one meets a new question, one ends up answering it without looking at the other things one has encountered in the past. The behaviour shown in this situation is spontaneous and does not depend on how other people have reacted. It is possible to find out that two or more respondents can react in a similar manner when they are faced with a similar situation. After one has encountered the stimulus for the first time, it will now be possible for them to come up with new ways of dealing with it. Based on the fact that they have encountered it before, if it occurs again, then it becomes perceptual learning. The performance of a person when a stimulus is introduced depends on their own genes and personality. Later, they can adapt to prescribed ways of dealing with such stimuli. The problem with this method of learning is that some people do not know how to react to first-time stimuli.

Classical Conditioning

Classical conditioning refers to a method of learning where a certain behaviour is repeated in a given systematic way so that one can learn the desired outcomes. This is the method that is always in use when one wants to learn a new behaviour. For example, in the case of a prison, a person is conditioned to perform a given number of tasks within a given duration. In this case, the resultant behaviour is not determined by the ability of a person to remember what has happened before. It is also not based on the fact that behaviour is developed when one is subjected to a new set of stimuli. The condition that is used in this case is meant to bring a given type of outcome. It is the only way that one can be sure that he or she will achieve the best results they have been looking for. Sometimes, people might take a long time to adapt to a given set of conditions. The ability of one to adapt depends on his or her personality. In case the personality of the person does not allow him or her to respond fast. Under this type of learning, there are other tricks that can be put into use to differentiate. The way one can condition a human being is not the same way that he or she can condition an animal. They have different abilities, and one might be easier to condition than the other. As a result of this, researchers have been applying different tricks to achieve the results they need.


After carrying out the research using the various methods of learning, it is clear that the findings had the poof they should always have. Under perceptual learning, memory plays a great role in learning. It is evident from the research that those with the best memory will probably have the best performance. In most schools, learning is based on this method. It is the major reason why examinations always test the quantity of knowledge that one remembers. When talking about the psychophysical ability of a person, this method of learning can mainly be used for the brain part. It is the duty of the brain to remember something that happened in the past so that they can decide how to handle the situation.

The study also found that learning and memory are very related. In most cases, one will find that he or she needs to know what he or she has learned previously so that he or she can understand the new concepts.

Different outcomes were also seen when using the stimulus method of learning. The personality that one has is what determines the ability of the person to develop a given type of behaviour (Ames, 1989). The finding on this part proved that learning a given type of behaviour does not need one to have a given aspect of behaviour when they are introduced to a new stimulus. The method of learning is always used to enable the learner to come up with the right response. Once the person learns the behaviour, then he or she does not have to keep using his memory. This is a good method of learning because it allows one to be creative. In a learner-centred method of learning, the instructors are not always encouraged to give the students all the information they need. The best method of teaching is one where the learner is given time to think about the topic before the instructor goes ahead and tells them what is entailed in the topic. The method of learning needs only a small aspect of memory. If it a learning process in school, the knowledge used in a previous topic is very much important in the learning of a new behavior.

The findings that came from classical conditioning show that the behaviour of a person is shaped by repeating a given pleasant behaviour for a long duration. When this is done, they end up developing the desired behaviour very fast. The method of learning is mainly used when teaching children. When the teacher wants to have a certain behaviour, he or she provides the children with a set of conditions that are pleasant to them. The children end up loving the condition that makes them conditioned. They might know that they have to read if they want to get a given present. It will make even those who never read for examinations to read. Classical conditioning helps them to develop the good behaviour that they should have.

This study has come up with findings that do not apply to all situations. Memory might be very important in learning, but it is not important in all situations. There are many cases when one can learn a new behaviour without worrying about the information they had in the past. The merit of this research is that it has proved beyond doubt that, in most cases, memory is an important factor in the learning process. It is evident since not all students always perform well. Since the research has clearly linked the use of memory in the learning process, it qualifies to be a research project that has achieved its purpose (Carlson, 2007). When children are evaluated in class, one can see that there is always a top student and one that is at the bottom of the list.


Whatever one learns now, either in class or as a life skill, is very important in future learning platforms. Learning is known to move from simple concepts to more complex ones. The process of learning can only be a success if the students have the ability to remember whatever they have learnt in the past. The quality that one has is a result of the things they have experienced over and over again or as a result of the behaviour one develops after the first encounter with the stimuli. In future, research projects can be carried out on the ways that can be used to improve the learning process. It will be an important step towards ensuring that there is a better education system in place.


Carlson R. (2007). Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience. 4th edition. New York publishers

Ames William (1989). The Principles of Psychology. 1st EDITION. Dover Publications, Inc.

Carlson N. (2007). Physiology of Behavior. 9th Ed. Allyn and Bacon Publishers

KM Lattal (2001). Molecular mechanisms of memory acquisition, consolidation, and retrieval Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 3rd edition. Las Vegas Publishers

Hanvanich S. (2006). The relationship of learning and memory.Marketing Journal



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