Academic Master


Reflection on the Standards

The standards for creative art for young children are informative and extend to the learning outcomes linked with each of these standards. The first English language arts standard requires the students to talk, listen, read, and write. The learning outcomes are carefully drawn on how this standard will enhance the abilities of the children, such as enhanced communication skills, examine, develop, and use the strategies to understand and comprehend the English language and the syntax of the text, such as grammar, punctuation, the order of words, etc. This standard will also enable the students to write and learn the basics effectively. The standard has comprehended all the aspects of the standard, taking into account the basics of the English language.

The second standard for the creative aspect is music, which involves performing, composing, and listening to the music. This is a creative standard because, in today’s world, it is hard to resist music, and most children enjoy listening to music. So, the standard will be able to develop the interest of the students in the range of learning outcomes from understanding and exploring the sounds to playing and listening to a range of music. Music also improves the listening and concentration skills of the students because to play and understand the range of sounds, students need to concentrate deeply. Choice of music is also important because perspective and understanding of good music will lead to a better understanding of music and enhance their knowledge regarding the music.

Art is the freest form of expression, and in this standard, students will be able to use the freest form of expression. Through arts, children can openly express their ideas and other experiences. The standards, activities, and learning outcomes for this particular standard have considered a wide range of creativity and exploration of arts. The learning outcomes start from a basic understanding of arts, leading to developing the art pieces and ultimately showcasing them in classrooms or at home. This standard will also provide a sense of confidence among the children when working on creating the artwork.

Health is the foremost important aspect of anyone’s life, and children need to be aware of healthy lifestyles and choices. The standard of health and physical education has considered a wide variety of health-related concerns such as healthy eating, healthy choices, and involving children in physical activities. One of the most important learning outcomes is understanding the likes and dislikes of the children and children these days enjoy most of the junk food and are less inclined towards healthy eating. In the era of video games and TV, it is important to plan outdoor activities and grab children’s attention at a young age. Schools should be particular about providing healthy food at cafes because children spend most of their day in school. The education and classroom should provide quality knowledge about the importance of healthy choices and physical activities. This standard is the most significant because early lifestyles and habits determine later life and health. So, if the behaviors and activities such as regular physical activities, playing fairly, and eating healthy are developed since childhood, then children are more likely to opt for healthy choices later on.



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