Academic Master


Reflection on Ideal Degree Program

I have opted to pursue my undergraduate degree in Bachelor of Science in Health Administration because it is a rapidly growing, rewarding, and fulfilling field that offers many opportunities for growth and advancement in the field of healthcare. This degree program is a rigorous and comprehensive academic program that prepares students for prospective careers in the health sector. There are a variety of ways that professionals in the Bachelor of Science in Health Administration degree program communicate with each other, including texts, face-to-face meetings, social media, and academic writing to facilitate the flow of information between one another. Furthermore, they use different terminologies and communication platforms depending on the situation to effectively carry out their duties. Common uses of terminology include laboratory terms, clinical terms, legal terms, and health management terms while using informal or formal communication channels, depending on the context of the situation. The professionals also use other formalities such as handwritten letter forms, email correspondence, and formal meetings.

Part 1: Resource

The resource selected for the discussion in this paper is “Competency-based Curriculum, Outcomes, and Leader Development: Applications to a Graduate Program in Health Administration” written by A. David Mangelsdorff.

Part 2: Response

The article selected is “Competency-based Curriculum, Outcomes, and Leader Development: Applications to a Graduate Program in Health Administration”, which intends to explore the strategies on how to build and administer a successful health administration program that would be essential for individuals as well as organizations of all sizes seeking to improve their overall health outcomes. The resource offers a specific demonstration of how competency-based curricula can be implemented in the field of healthcare administration for leadership development in the industry. The author began by describing how the curricula of a graduate program in Health Administration should be typically structured to identify the outcomes and leadership competencies that organizations look for when hiring a healthcare leader in the field of health administration. The author has targeted educators and practitioners, including graduate school administrators, faculty members, and administrators serving in the field of Health Administration. It is to guide them about competency-based curriculum and how it can be used for professional development in leadership and organizational management for graduate school students. The guiding tone throughout the article provides an excellent primer for professionals who are interested in learning about health administration, organizational design, and leadership development (Mangelsdorff, 2014). The paper as a whole is quite interesting and informative to read, and the author’s treatment of the topic was very well-presented. The resource is a credible scholarly journal published in The Journal of Health Administration Education sourced from Google Scholar. The author’s use of academic language, coupled with the mastery of the subject matter is what makes this paper stand out as one of the best resources in the field of health administration, both at the academic as well as practical levels.


Mangelsdorff, A. D. (2014). Competency-based curriculum, outcomes, and leader development: Applications to a graduate program in health administration. The Journal of Health Administration Education, 31(2), 111.



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