Academic Master

Global Politics

Real Clear Politics Essay

Part 1

The world’s smallest political quiz is the fastest as well as the most accurate assessment tool for an individual’s general political perspectives. The quiz is considered as an inclusive way to read the mind with respect to country’s politics. It is based on the left verses right model in which the left one is liberal and right one is conservative. It is very clear and straight forward but since the American government and political spectrum is extremely complex so for managing the complexity and the one who is found ambiguous would be resulted to be a centrist, libertarian or statist. It helps a quick insight to the political structure of the United States so, the teenagers and the people who are away from politics will try this seriously for judging where they stand. It is a good way to avoid the political conflicts among the people and the population is unable to know about other groups but able to recognize our own group.

Part 2

The American political system is quite complicated and could not be understood by this single quiz. It is only a better way to recognize our self that where we stand and to whom political party shall we support. This quiz is selected to understand personnel perception for the government and the current politics of the United States. The website is a source of reading the news and understanding the current trends and traits of the politics and government. So, this website is a good way tool to learn the current political status of the United States of America. One of the most best things is that the site is comprised of approximately all the variety of content which can be analyzed and read for the personal understanding and getting in touch with the current affairs of the country.

Works Cited

“Political Typology Quiz”. Pew Research Center For The People And The Press, 2018, Accessed 3 Mar 2018.

“Realclearpolitics – Opinion, News, Analysis, Video And Polls”. Realclearpolitics.Com, 2018, Accessed 3 Mar 2018.

“The Quiz – The Advocates For Self-Government”. The Advocates, 2018,\. Accessed 3 Mar 2018.



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