Academic Master


Ramona the Brave by Beverly Cleary

The most specifically engaging scenarios of this book for the six-year-old Ramona is the brave heroics that she displays throughout the context. In the context, she is shown as the defendant against her elders’ sister’s male friends who used to mock her about her nickname (Plugged In, 2018). Her circumstances that surrounding recovery of her lost shoe that was carried away by a dog which leads to her teacher describing her brave is very engaging while reading the context.

Ramona keeps getting herself into trouble while in the class due to her mischevious behavior which leads to a belief that indeed her teacher does not like her. She destroys her friend’s Susan owl made from paper-bag which her teacher show to the rest of the class as the best creativity (Cleary, 1975). This is because Susan allegedly copies Ramona’s owl during modeling exercise.

The pictorial image displayed on the cover page of the book that displays Ramona confronting the dog she meets on her way to school that later takes away her shoe which she uses to chases the dog away from her. The story in this context made me develop a personal connection with the main character Roman for her bravery which she displays on several occasions and also her decisiveness even in her tender age (Plugged In, 2018). Reading this book brings back my childhood experiences which I can now compare with the character of Ramona as shown in the context. The story brings about happy emotions to me while reading the book as the storyline is apparently amusing, sound and empathic. The activities of Ramona across the entire story are interesting to learn about, for instance, when she hides the progress reports sent home to her parents by Mrs. Griggs who is her teacher (Cleary, 1975).

This book should be recommended for reading to junior students and pupils who attend the elementary education classes especially in the first grade and second-grade level. The recommended readability age is between eight to twelve years of age


Plugged In (2018). Ramona the Brave “Ramona” Series: Book Review.

Cleary, B. (1975). Ramona The Brave.



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