Academic Master


Question Answers of Business Studies

Question A

In the given scenario, there are several business and legal issues. For example, the very first and most critical issue is regarding the security of the patient information that is being shared through the system. The system is an old one that has grown over the period as new partners have integrated their businesses. However, there has been little or no information regarding the security of the information that is being shared on the system. This creates several legal, ethical as well as business-related implications.

The second issue is that there are no specific protocols, standards, and policies for business mergers and integrations. Over the period, different medical companies and groups have integrated themselves with the current system. They all have diverse requirements, needs, and specifications that can be processing and coherence issues in the future business organization. If the organizational departments of the health care facility will not be in consistency with each other, they are likely to create issues for the patients, and their well-being can be compromised. Here again, ethical as well as business issues occur.

To overcome these issues, it is important that the healthcare facility must develop standards and policies that would address issues such as business mergers and information security measures.

Overall, the current system of the hospital is beneficial in the long term if it is properly regulated and controlled. Some of the benefits that it can offer to its partners include:

  1. Integrated processing and harmonious organization of the departments
  2. Under-one-roof healthcare solutions for the patients
  3. Establishment of a reliable Healthcare information system that can help in accurate and efficient billing and management facility for the hospital.

Question B

The given proposals are presented in a manner that they are ridden with personal biases and opinions rather than logical and rational explanations. Melania Trump appears to be too obsessed with her fitness regime that she has become racist and discriminating in her attitude. The opinion of Barron Trump appears to be valid. However, he has presented it in a very superficial manner. However, his proposal can be accepted as a justified proposal as healthcare and Medicare should be provided to all without any discrimination of age gender, sickness stage, state, etc.

However, this needs extensive policy-making and consideration. And practically, it is not possible to create a homogenized system for all the states with a single policy. Similar is the case with the proposal of Ivanka Trump. I would consider that the criticism by Jared Kushner at the suggestion of Ivanka Trump is very valid as well.

Finally, comes the proposal presented by Vladimir Putin. In the United States, the most critical problem is regarding the monopolization and commercialization of prescription medicine, because of which the prices of these drugs have skyrocketed in the United States. To make healthcare affordable, it is important that the prices of drugs need to be controlled. However, importing them from Russia is not a solution. It is important that the prices of prescription drugs must be regulated within the United States.

Works Cited

Furrow, Barry R., et al. Health Law: Materials and Problems. 2013.



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