Academic Master


Putting an Age Restriction on Children Getting a Phone

Specific purpose: To persuade my audience to consider age restrictions when getting a phone for children.

Central idea: In persuading my audience to consider age restrictions when getting a phone for children, I’ll discuss the dangers children face in accessing phones, how this access limits their development and why the restrictions are necessary.


  1. Attention: Are your children growing rapidly and giving you anxiety in determining the best ways to raise them with the advancing phone technology? Are you trivial about putting up age restrictions on your child’s access to phones?
  2. Audience connection/credibility: Today’s speech will give insight into the age restrictions when getting a phone for children and the dangers they face in having phones from my personal experiences and research.
  3. Thematic statement: (Preview of main points) In persuading my audience to consider age restrictions when getting a phone for children, I’ll discuss the dangers children face in accessing phones, how this access limits their development and why the restrictions are necessary.


  1. Main Point: First, having access to a phone at a young age can cause dependency, altering a child’s attention.
  2. A report published by Jennifer Ihm, shows that children’s addiction to smartphones impairs their participation in social activities. The children develop a sense of belonging through phone games and media, and a lack of proper guidance escalates this situation.
  3. From the above statement, it is evident that children lack developed reasoning to judge between the rights and the wrongs when using phones. This can lead to withdrawal due to their interaction with information without a proper guide on how to process this information.
  4. Children lack a developed thought process, and evidence shows that handing them phones early impairs their social interactions.
  5. It is common for children to play endless video games without taking breaks due to dependence. The children avoid physical games and interaction with peers, which later manifests into social awkwardness as they grow older.
  6. Main point:
  7. Phones do not give children time to learn and reflect on actions and consequences.
  8. Children disconnect from the real world once immersed in the technology realm; hence do not develop the need to assess and reflect on the impacts of their actions.
  9. Children develop untamed excitement when they access phones, causing a lack of attention and hence lack a connection to the world, thus unable to reflect on their actions and consequences. If the children acquire uncensored information on their phones, the consequences of their perspective may escalate fast due to a lack of reflection on this information.
  10. From this assessment, children are at higher risk of falling victims due to access to phones.
  11. Therefore, it is crucial to restrict children from accessing phones to shield them from these dangers.
  12. Main point:
  13. Finally, access to phones alters the children’s sleeping patterns.
  14. A child is more likely to stay up late to use a phone, thus affecting the sleeping schedule.
  15. Sleep is essential in ensuring effective brain cell activity.
  16. Adequate rest boosts a child’s participation in activities and develops their learning process.
  17. According to a study published by Jodi Mindell and Ariel Williamson, routine sleep is necessary for a child’s overall competence.
  18. A child’s access to a phone causes desensitization to violence.
  19. When a child has access to raw, violent content, they develop violent traits due to their inability to distinguish between the good and the bad.
  20. Children with access to phones are likely to develop obesity.
  21. The children are likely to spend long hours rooted to spots when using phones, thus limiting them from engaging in physical activities and hence develop obesity.


  1. Signal end is near: In conclusion,
  2. Reinforce central idea: From my discussion, it is evident that a child’s access to a phone significantly impairs their development. Therefore, it is vital to consider implementing age restrictions to boost their growth. Consequently, the children will develop the necessary skills in learning and interacting with other people in society.
  3. Close with impact: The consequences I have highlighted should help you understand that children need to be shielded from the things that affect their growth. It is the role of parents and guardians to ensure their children grow up in a safe environment.



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