Academic Master


Promoting Children’s Self-Esteem Level

Parents are supposed to promote their children’s self-esteem level by recommending their smartness and telling them they are so wonderful. Children will feel loved once they receive appraise from their parents. It is very important for the parents to see and comment on what is positive about their children in their presence. In this case, the children will feel loved and will have their self-esteem uplifted. Parents showing an attention to their children will make their children happy and improve their personal love. Children will even have eager to do better than what they have recommended by their parents.

Children will feel psychologically harmed and hurt if they do not feel any important on what they do. They will lack self-confidence once what they do will not be recommended. It is very important to approach every action or anything that children do in a better way. In the case whereby the children are not doing well, parents should take time, seat up with their children and discuss the matter. Children are subjects to feel low esteemed most in the case where they are not performing well. Parents should take this initiative to advise them on what they are supposed to do so that they can improve their performance in any case. Children will not feel good once they discover what they are doing is not good or no one is recommending and therefore parents are supposed to get in the matter and encourage them on better ways to improve from the situation. It will be good if parents approach any negative thing done by their children in a positive way and give them guidelines for improvement.



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