Academic Master


Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal-3

Throughout this week, I and my preceptor have been doing a lot of brainstorming to make the clinical management understand the importance of the preceptorship program and to make new practice approaches for new nurse practitioners. The topic focus for this week was the role of “Healthcare delivery and clinical system” in the management and prevention of Covid within hospital settings. The topic required a new practice approach to solving the current issue of Covid management and prevention since the nursing staff feels a lack of support from hospital administration as well as a lack of information about the different Covid variants and their varying symptoms.

Professional Practices

Covid management and prevention in the urgent care setting require professional practices because new nurse practitioners do not know how the flow of work is managed in urgent care during Covid (Cao et al, 2020). There need to be nursing interventions such as vital signs monitoring, respiratory management, medication administration, SOPs management, etc, that could only be implemented through an adequate preceptorship training program.

Personal Strengths/Weaknesses

As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, I have strengths but weaknesses as well and I understand that the nursing field is characterized by complexities and unavoidable challenges. The strength I have realized in myself throughout this week is that I am a hands-on learner as I tried to adopt every technique that was being taught by professional preceptors in the preceptorship training program. It helped me throughout this week to remain relevant in an effort to provide better services to Covid patients.


The leadership quality reflected this week in me is hands-on learning of the principles and empirical information delivered by the professional preceptor and then utilizing that knowledge successfully through practical experiences. To exercise this leadership skill in my immediate healthcare setting, I provided my role by putting the knowledge I have learned into practice in order to deliver effective healthcare services.

Inquiry into Current Practices

Professional transparency is always important for an organization to foster its success. An urgent care setting, therefore, requires it the most to enhance better patient care outcomes (Louiselle et al, 2020). Hence, current practices for the management and prevention of Covid are analyzed and evaluated through interprofessional collaboration with professional preceptors and individuals working in Covid care settings. The inquiry has involved a systemic investigation of queries about clinical phenomena and nursing therapeutics to appraise the “best evidence-based solution” in nursing practice for Covid prevention and management.

Additional Resources

A variety of sources suggest an evidence-based solution to manage Covid patients’ emotional and physical draining through effective communications and hands-off relaxing techniques to cope with the depression and anxiety problems that may be caused due to isolation. Isolation, on one hand, is an important precautionary measure yet on another hand Covid as a contagious disease is physically and emotionally draining the people suffering from Covid or those having post-Covid traumas.

Health Care Delivery and Clinical Systems

Nursing practice plays a pivotal role to meet the demand for better patient care outcomes despite challenges during the growing problem of the Covid-19 pandemic. Nurses in the health care delivery systems perform frontline roles. Therefore, a preceptorship training program is the need of the hour to increase quality care delivery as well as prevention and management of Covid-19 (Schroeder et al, 2020). I and preceptor have talked about the importance of preceptorship training programs for clear clinical guidance, increased nurse-patient relationship exposure, and emotional support of the nurses in the urgent care settings. This training program would inform preceptors on how to optimize new nurses’ knowledge, practical experiences, nursing care, healthcare structure, and patient outcomes (Louiselle et al, 2020).


Cao, Y., Li, Q., Chen, J., Guo, X., Miao, C., Yang, H., … & Li, L. (2020). Hospital emergency management plan during the COVID‐19 epidemic. Academic Emergency Medicine, 27(4), 309-311.

Schroeder, K., Norful, A. A., Travers, J., & Aliyu, S. (2020). Nursing perspectives on care delivery during the early stages of the covid-19 pandemic: A qualitative study. International journal of nursing studies advances, 2, 100006.

Louiselle, K., Elson, E. C., Oschman, A., & Duehlmeyer, S. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on pharmacy learners and preceptors. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 77(14), 1097-1099.



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