Academic Master

Communication Skills

Presentation Aids: Effective ways of Implication

Presentation aids can be generally categorized into audio and visual aids. It encourages retention in the audience during the speech. In the modern world, the audience grasps more abstract and complex ideas through visual and audio aids than simple verbal descriptions. The general types of presentations used in speeches are props, data/ statistical information, pictures, multimedia (Sound and Moving Images/ Videos). Presentation aids can be efficiently used in many ways, however, choosing the right type of presentation aid is the most important component to propagate the central claim of the speech. Therefore, general guidelines are provided to facilitate the speaker to wisely select and use their presentation aids. The most essential guideline for using presentation aid is to use them as supporting/ facilitating material rather than only emphasizing on these aids. These aids should only be used as corroborative components of the presentation.

While choosing the presentation aid, the speaker should analyze its type and volume of the audience along with the space where he/she is presenting. The speaker should avoid using more information on their presentation aids. This can cause information overload for the minds of audience. Therefore, adequate amount of information should be used on the presentation aids. Presentation aids should always be made bigger and the volume of the video should be high. Reading the information on presentation aid is the most common mistake a speaker commits. Speaker should provide relevant information for the audience so that they understand the message of presentation aids by themselves. Timing is the key component of efficiently propagating the message to the audience. The speaker should use moderate timing for the presentation aids. Presentation aids play an important role for speakers to send their message with efficiency, clarity, concision and prominence to their audience.



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