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Political Parties in the United States


At first, there was no political party in the United States. But as soon as some dominant personalities emerged in the US, they started to gather people and tried to make a political praty. Alexander Hamilton, who was the secretary of the treasury, started to gather a people under a countrywide network of supporters and registered a political party under the name of “The Federalist Party” in 1792-93 (Jones, 2017). To respond Hamilton. Thomas Jefferson, who was the secretry of the state with the help of James Madison gather people of republic and congress under the name of Democratic-Republican Party. The elections held in 1792, were the very first elections in the history of America that were held on party basis. In most of the states, the congressmen won the elections as the democratic-republican party put the strategy that this election is a war between the states treasury department and the republican interest.

In 1793, the democrate-republican formed their socities who were supporting the French revolution and Jeffersonian cause. In 1793, the war started between England, France and their allies. The democrat were very inclined towards the French and said that there is nod between france and US that was signed in 1778 and under that bond US is bound to help the French in this war (Schattschneider, 2013). But the Washington decided that, that particular treaty or bond did not says that US has to help France or vice versa in case of war. So they decided to remain neutral and not to help any of the country.

When anglo-french war threathened the US, Wahsington sent a delegation to the England emind them the treaty that was still in effect that both US and Engeland won’t involved in any kind of war or criminal activities. This delegation made the negotiations successful and made a treaty that was named “Jay Treat” that was named after the name of ‘John Jay’ who was leading the American delegation. This treaty settled many of the issues were between US an Britain. The democrats criticized the treaty by saying that this treaty would give too much power to the Britishers and the federalists. Jeffersonians fight had against that treaty to cut loose the power from the hands of the federalists. For this purpose, they shake hand swith many of their opponents but they couldn’t make what they wanted.


The modern eras democratic party is the successor of the democrat-republican party which is also known as the Jeffersonian party. Jaffersonian and all of his party leadership including his followers believed that if there is a strong and powerfully centralized government, it would be a great threat to the individual liberties. According to them, there is no mutual interest but the US is a consortium of separate entites. But Hmailton and his leadership believed that strong and powerful government with all the authorities is essential to unite the nation. They saw the constitution as a document and according to thme this document should be amended with the passage of time as new topics and issues would be emerged that will need attention to be addressed.

Although all the leading political figures had the same thinking that political parties won’t be good for this country as in their presence government wont be able to work properly and these parties will sabotage the peace of the nation. But in 1793, both the groups separated their ways. Jeffersonian become ‘Democrat-Rpublic’ while the Hmailton’s become “the Federalsists” (Brown, 2017).

The very first difference between The federalists and The Democrt-Republicans was how they approached the anglo-french war. The Democrtes wanted to make strong ties and become an alley of france while The federalsits wanted to support the British. They believed that America should make such a policy both foreign and economic that should favor the Great Britain.

On financial issues, Jeffersonian strongly differed with the Hamilton’s. According to Democrt-Republicans, the economic policy should be made that favors the middle and lower class of the nation. They believed that the economy should be based on farming and maintain the crops while the Hamilton’s thought that the best policy will be in the kind of big manufacturing and producton units.

As the Jay treaty was rectified, the whole nation sparked their anger at the federalists. Both Hamilton and Jefferson saw that this treaty is giving too much power to the British, but Hamilton’s saw this as a generous act because the Britain gained most of its revenues ny importing tax duties on thir trades (Mayer, 1996). France saw this pro-british act and started to declare a war with the against the americans by capturing their ships. President adams sent a delegation to the france to discuss the terms so that the ships can be made free from French anvy. French government demanded a loan and a bribe of $240,000 (Tillman, 1961). Accepting the terms and conditions of the French government made many of the federalists angry as a result of the the federalist party broke into 2 pieces which ultimately effected the Jeffesonians in the 1800 presidential elections and also helped them to win majority seats in the congress (Kolko, 1968). Jefferson party dominated the US politics for the next decades because of the reason tahtthey were stubborn like the federalists and were willing to adapt the change.

During the era of 1812, President Madison, successor of Jefferson fought on two ends i.e., with british outside the country and with the federalists inside the country. As the federalists were in support of the Britain and wanted to make peace with the british so they started a stance in their party speeches that if US remained inlcied towards the French and continues to agree upon all their terms and conditions, we wont be able to make free trade through the sea. Their stance was not picked by the people and remained unpopular (Holt, 1999). Since the war ended as most americans think tht it was a great success to the for the americans as they defeated the Great Briatin. The federalists stanced faild and they faced a huge defeat in the 1816 presidential elections.

James Monroe, newly elected president of the United States, completed his tenure over a very calm political situation. Many of the federalists came to support the president and joined the republican party.

The basic difference between the federalists and the republicans was that both of them wanted to grant the power to the US government based of what they think is right in the constitution not what is truly written in the constitution.


In the decade on 1790, the United States saw a major change in its politics. Before that there were no political parties in the Unites States, but during this decade because of some major and influential political figures there become two political parties named as the federalists and the democrat-reublican party. These two parties had there own stance which was totally different from one another on anglo-french war. One wanted that Washington should incline towards france while the other one wanted that Us should support the British activites. Their stance on the financial and economic issues of the US was also totally different. One wanted to adopt the British rules and regulations while the other wanted to adopt the activities that must be beneficial for the labor class of the nation.

Republicans Adopted many successful campaigns that were soon adopted by the federalists to gain popularity in the public. The stance of the republicans was strong and they won backn to back 4 presedential election and ruled continuously for more than two decades. During Anglo-american war, the stance of republicans was proven right, due to which again they won the preseidential election and the federalist party divided inot tow prts an many of the federalsits joined hand with the republican president giving him vote of confidence. Mornoe’s period is known as the good era of the republican history as well as the history of Us as during this period their major opponent was shattered into pieces by facing a major setback after their party member join hands with the democrats.

Works Cited

Brown, Matthew. “Hamilton on Broadway and the Founding in American Culture: An Introduction.” The Independent Review21.4 (2017): 485.

Holt, Michael F. The rise and fall of the American Whig Party: Jacksonian politics and the onset of the Civil War. Oxford University Press, 2003.

Jones, Andrea. “Cement of Our Union: Hamilton, the Treasury, and the Federalist Party.” (2017).

Mayer, William G. The divided Democrats: Ideological unity, party reform, and presidential elections. Routledge, 2018.

Schattschneider, Elmer. Party government: American government in action. Routledge, 2017.

Kolko, Gabriel. The Politics of War: The World and United States Foreign Policy, 1943-1945. Vol. 631. New York: Random House, 1968.

Johnston, Ron, and James Sidaway. Geography and geographers: Anglo-American human geography since 1945. Routledge, 2015.



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