Academic Master


Police Discipline Essay

When the term ‘discipline’ is heard, the first thought that comes to the mind is the notion of punishment. Any average person considers discipline to be the enforcement of rules and laws by the people in authority upon us. This definition refers to the negative discipline which involves external force so that compliance is achieved by the fear of punishments or penalties. This is partially right as the use of force and punishment for the enactment of laws and regulations, negligence of duty, or overall ineffectiveness, is only one stage of the issue. An extensive and much more treasured practice of discipline is internal; it is a psychological attitude -a practice of compliance.

Discipline is a generic concept. There is a common outline of discipline related to diverse spaces and administrations. Anything that can be supposed regarding discipline will relate correspondingly fit men in a department store, Armed Forces, police department, or an industrial plant. This dominant essential of chastisement, though, must be revised in its use to be suitable for various groups and circumstances. For example, some rare issues arise when the police try to use these generic ideas due to the nature of police work. The rank and file policemen are frequently unaccompanied and unavoidably afar from authorized investigation throughout their duty. Great commands are assigned to them, and due to this, and the effect of persistent connotation with prisoners and criminals, enticements and chances for neglects are abundant. Furthermore, they are continually in the eyes of the public being a uniformed force, and the minor misbehavior stands out in unflinching relief. The issue is additionally intricate by the truth that a standard of behavior is essential to the police by the public which is upper than that of the rest of the public.

The discipline among the police department and the public rest on the foundation of laws and regulation. These laws and regulations are much needed, but still, they are not sufficient for the maintenance of sound discipline. Most police departments have rules and regulations that are apprehended with particular ways and methods rather than with the usual behavior of the officers in their various public interactions. A code of ethics is a true requirement which standardizes the laws of appropriate official behavior of the police officers. And this code must be broad and flexible enough to be used in all kinds of police activities and all problems related to the discipline maintenance. This code would have the whole framework of goals and objectives and also the rules which have to be conformed and followed by the members of the department at any cost.

Good and positive discipline is acquired by appropriate preparation, and it is one of the elementary duties of a police supervisor. This is rather a significant stage of his job. Irrespective of how much prior exercise a policeman may have had, it will be compulsory for the police supervisor to give extra on-the-job exercise, for fresh missions and guidelines are often acknowledged, and measures and practices are persistently altered. Each variation includes a fresh preparation work and a chance to continue or develop discipline. The way of presenting instructions, commands, or orders is greatly significant as the words used. Our whole life depends upon the conduct and manners of others. Hence, to maintain a sound discipline both the police department and the public must focus on their conduct and behaviors and realize that cooperation is necessary for the attainment of discipline. If the orders instructed are conflicting or doubtful, discipline maintenance also comes at stake and is doubtful.

Works Cited

“Codes of ethics and officer discipline.” PoliceOne, 13 Oct. 2008,



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