Academic Master

Health Care

Pender’s Health Promotion Model

Improving and protecting the health of the population has been a priority for many health policymakers. Different approaches have been applied to promote and protect health and to obtain the necessary impact. Pender’s model of health promotion (HPM) is a nursing model applied in predicting the health behavior of a given population (McCutcheon, Schaar, & Parker, 2016). The HPM, which is derived from cognitive theory, entails three categories of factors: immediate behavioural contingencies, behaviour-specific cognitions, and individual characteristics. The immediate behaviour contingencies factors include competing preferences, which are alternative behaviours over which persons have low control because of environmental contingencies such as family responsibilities or work. The behaviour-specific factors include perceived barriers to action, interpersonal influences, activity-related effects, and perceived self-efficacy. Personal factors are categorized as psychological, biological, and social-cultural (Georgescu et al. 2017). The model shows how these three factors influence health-promoting behaviour.

Development Plan

To promote healthy living and prevent the onset of diseases in this community where over the years there has been an increase in throat and laryngeal cancer, COPD, and Leukemia a care plan needs to be implemented. Besides, there has been an increase in substance abuse in the population of workers working in steel plants and several chemical plants.


In individuals who have cancer or whose screening results suggest cancer, the physicians will find out the exact cause of cancer by assessing the patient’s family and medical history and doing a physical examination. The physician may also order lab tests and scans to make a diagnosis of this condition. On the other hand, diagnosis of COPD will involve lung function tests, laboratory tests, chest X-rays, and Arterial blood gas analysis.


The goals of developing the care plan are to promote healthy living and prevent the onset of diseases among the population living in the community.


The objective of developing the care plan is to promote holistic care to improve the health and well-being of the population living in the community.

Evaluation Of The Plan

Evaluation of the plan will involve monitoring patient outcomes and the prevalence of conditions affecting the population in this community. The evaluation of the plan will also involve an assessment of the population’s health needs and their perception of health and well-being.


Georgescu, C., Sprague, L., Britton, G., Rhodes-Keefe, J., Collier, R., & Lev, S. (2017). Application of the Pender’s” Health Promotion Model” to a Perinatal Smoking Intervention: A Review of the Literature

McCutcheon, T., Schaar, G., & Parker, K. L. (2016). Pender’s Health Promotion Model and HPV Health-Promoting Behaviors among College-Aged Males: Concept Integration. Journal of Theory Construction & Testing, 20(1), 12.



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