Academic Master


Part 1: State whether blood pressure in Table 2A would be a continuous variable or a discrete variable. Explain. Then supposing that the number of women in each of groups (non-users and users) were identified, would the number of women in each category be continuous variable or a discrete variable? Explain.

The blood pressure that is shown in Table 2A is a continuous variable because it is measurable and it cannot be countable. Blood pressure of a body can only be measured as it is not a countable quantity. They could lie anywhere inside the correct range. A continuous qualitative variable, blood pressure could comprise fractional quantities that are altered from a discrete variable since discrete variables can only take precise values and numbers.(Statistics, n.d.)

The number of women in every group would be measured as discrete variables. It is because discrete variables are insignificant variables that can accept an unlimited sum of values, and they have been placed in the group of users and non-users and specified an overall number of women, both users, and non-users. The total number of women with stated out of the unique value of non-users 3494 and users 1028. (Cook, 2004)

Part 2: Use any free online histogram maker to draw histograms for the blood pressure of the users and non-users ages 35-44. Discuss one conclusion that can be made about blood pressure and pill use.

Grounded on the histogram indication that 16% of women that are non-users seem to have a typical systolic blood pressure. These women lie in between 116mm and 120mm of the blood pressure. The normal distribution is the blood pressure for non-users and users are average 121-125 and 126-130.

         Part 3: Based on what you’ve learned in this module about normal distributions, Explain why a normal approximation of data would be helpful to view the data. For Example, you could describe the steps that one would take to estimate the percentage of women with blood pressure in an age group.

A normal approximation of statistics could be very valuable in viewing the statistics of the users. It is because it is the estimated distribution of the value. The histogram always gives a symmetrical result because both of values are beyond and exceeding the average value. The Normal distribution of the histogram demonstrations has 2/3th of the distribution are lying in one standard deviation.(“Normal Distribution,” n.d.)

When a histogram has a normal curve, it is stress-free to complete under the curve with just the average and standard deviation. We would first calculate the info from the histogram into normal units. The standard units permit us to understand how mean standard deviation we are earlier or away from the average. Using normal approximation creates it relaxed to understand and read the data.(Miles, 2004)


Cook, A. (2004). Basic skills in statistics a guide for healthcare professionals /. London : Class,

Miles, J. N. V. (2004). Basic Skills in Statistics. BMJ Quality & Safety, 13(3), 239–240.

Normal Distribution. (n.d.). Retrieved August 28, 2017, from

Statistics,  c=AU; o=Commonwealth of A. ou=Australian B. of. (n.d.). Statistical Language – Measures of Central Tendency. Retrieved August 28, 2017, from



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