Academic Master


Othello by William Shakespeare Review

Othello” is one of the most famous literature works from William Shakespeare which puts emphasis on the perils of harboring Jealousy and its implications. The play lays out a detailed study into the ways through which jealousy is effective I society and the means through which the emotion of jealousy can be fueled. The elements fueling jealousy can be as lethal as to go over past the extents of destroying lives because of it. The protagonist Lago embeds the seeds of jealousy in the mind of Othello by mentioning to him that his (Othello’s) wife is unfaithful, which leads to Othello eventually killing off his wife in the end but ends up taking his own life as well. An interesting aspect of this emotional response can be seen in the character of Lago, who employs the use of jealousy against Othello but a majority of it was constituted and stemmed from his hatred for Othello. In the play “Othello” the emotional aspect of Jealousy is exhibited in various forms but each form in its respective state is still destructive.

From an analytical perspective of the play “Othello” the element of Good is defined as that of honesty, innocence, and forgiving. Desdemona is a prime example of good in the play, as is exemplified through the details in her personality and evident from her character. On the other hand, the evil in the play is prominently displayed through Lago’s personality. He’s displayed as a selfishness, motivated to bring demise into the lives of Othello and Desdemona. This here is the ultimate display of how evil attempts to triumph over good. The play displays the emotional perspective of both good and evil, the intensity with which Jealousy can be effective and the impact it has over the lives of people effected on it. Humans are bound to become targeted by jealousy by getting competitive and wanting to surpass those around them or their desire to own something that the other has.



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