Academic Master

ART, English

One Art Poem

Three statements that take my interest in the poem “One Art” are listed below:

1: The art of losing isn’t hard to master;

I am in love with the idea of the message Elizabeth wants to convey through this poem specifically through this line If we excel in only one thing which is the art of losing things, then nothing can restrain us to move forward and gain more things that are waiting for us. But, for that purpose, we have to master the art of losing objects. Because, it is also a natural phenomenon If we take the example from the natural surrounding by considering the tree as the master of this art every year lost old leaves and replaced them with new ones, and it brings no disaster to it. So, it’s nothing to cry about the lost things because some things are meant to be lost in the first place because they intend to do so. By learning this art, we learn the art of acceptance, resignation, the art of accepting failure, and never losing hope.

Speaker wants to tell us that it is of no use to cry over spilled milk or become heartbroken over little or sometimes larger losses because if we waste time on our losses to find them back then it becomes difficult for us to gain something better, something more worthy. But, according to her only those who have the spirit of warriors and the courage of mountains can understand this phenomenon and accept it.

The art of losing is not an easy thing, but once we become master of it, we come to know that everything is not meant to stay forever. We can tolerate losses only when we get habitual of losing things of little worth. The speaker used the terms art and master which shows that the art of losing things is a skill, which comes with practice and makes us master, once we learn this skill. It becomes natural to us to cope with all the problems, difficulties, defeats, and failures that retrain our path towards solutions, easiness, achievements, and success.

2: lose something every day accept the fluster of lost door keys, the hour badly spent

Starting from the little everyday losses and practicing patience over losing them neither losing hope nor tolerance we surely learn the art of losing. In the beginning, it is difficult, but never for a master. And that is how we become masters by losing things from everyday life just like door keys and a badly spent hour. Until we don’t learn the art of losing things and do not master it, we cannot learn the art of gaining things, and if we do not learn the art of accepting failure, then we would become unable to handle greater success afterward in our life.

These losses happen in our everyday life, but when we face them every day, then they become less intense to bother. But, again as we encounter these things daily, then we become used to them which leads us to become masters at the art of losing.

Until we don’t learn the art of losing things and not master it we cannot learn the art of gaining things and if we do not learn the art of accepting failure then we would become unable to handle greater success afterward in our life. With difficulty, there comes ease; for every problem, there is a solution; for every failure, there is a solution. So, we should not lose our hope we should become brave enough to face every disaster that is not a disaster because losing something is not a disaster for a survivor.

3: ~ Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture I love) I shan’t lied it’s evident the art of losing’s not too hard to master though it may look like (Write it!) like a disaster

This stanza is the essence of the whole poem “One art” Can someone be lighthearted about a loss? These lines tell us all as the speaker opens up by uncovering the fact no one becomes truly a master of losing things because lose of some things around which our whole life revolves felt like a disaster but we become used to at losing things that even some big losses never felt like the disasters. I admire the thing she mentions though it is too hard to master this art a master halfheartedly conceals the sadness or disheartened towards this kind of loss by saying that this is not a “disaster” in spite of burdening his heart and soul for this kind of loss.

In these lines, the speaker says the biggest loss in someone’s life is the loss of beloved ones and the feelings we shared with them because lost material things make spaces for new things but losing sentiments, emotions, feelings, and attachments let’s say abstract things have no replacement to filled. It is too hard to beat them but, still, if we show some courage and bravery we can even face this loss because in the end, we have to survive alone so, we need to master the art of losing honestly.

In my opinion; whatever, life offers us we should taste it without being afraid of losing it. Because this thing is necessary not only for our survival but also for our inner peace and the art of losing keeps us motivated. Not every disaster is a disaster until we don’t surrender before it. Some disasters like losing loved ones are nearly equal to disasters, but in the end, it depends on us how we face such disasters.



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