Academic Master


Nursing Sign-on Bonuses and Salaries

Question 2: Problem

Health institutions are eager to acquire the best in the medical field. The competition for the medical practitioners starts before the graduates exit school. Hospitals and other medical facilities analyse the performance of individual students before they graduate. Then they offer them counter offers such as sign-on bonuses. Public facilities cannot afford these sign-on bonuses, because, “bonuses of $10,000 or more are used to lure nurses to the private sector,” (Draper, Hurley, & Lauer, 2008, p. 4).

The severity of the bribing of nurses to join private sectors is reduced nurses in the public hospitals. In its extreme dangers, available nurses are overworked, hence, reducing the efficiency of the nurses. Keeping in mind that it concerns the health of the living, the nurses, work to exhaustion. Besides, the private sector is recruiting nurses from public hospitals. Though the problem is most prevalent in public hospitals, the competition is further heightened by the increased demand for quality health care. The demand for available healthcare brought around the coming up of more hospitals and other medical facilities such as rehabilitation centres. With a high dependence on public hospital services, the government has failed in financing these institutions (Draper, Hurley, & Lauer, 2008).

Question 2: Solution

Contrary to popular belief, research has proven that employee retention is not all about salaries and remuneration processes. “Respect, recognition, and organizational commitment are what employees want in their jobs,” (McGuire, Houser, Thafer, Moy, & Michelle, 2003, p. 38). As a nurse leader, I would use my role to influence recruits to join my hospital of employment. Every employee deserves time to rest. My employer might not offer the excessive salaries and sign-on bonuses, but the hospital only allows employees to work a maximum of 3 hours overtime. The resting time is permitted to ensure employees spend time with family and relax for efficient work hours. The organization’s commitment to ensuring that its employees are well catered for is the main reason that I have worked with the hospital for the past eleven years. Equal opportunity and recognition of employee contributions are paramount to employee emotional satisfaction. The recognition of each member in the hospital allows the employees to explore their talents and abilities.

It’s for these reasons that I would visit medical training institutions and address the students, marketing my hospital of employment. I would let the students understand that money is only but a minor contributor to satisfaction at work (McGuire, Houser, Thafer, Moy, & Michelle, 2003). Besides, I would use my position to solicit for increased financing in the remuneration of nurses to match the salaries paid by the private sector.

Works Cited

Draper, D. A., Hurley, R. E., & Lauer, J. R. (2008, Apri;). Public Health Workforce Shortages Imperil Nation’s Health. Health System Change, 4(1), 8. Retrieved March 13, 2018, from

McGuire, M. M., Houser, J., Thafer, J., Moy, W., & Michelle, W. (2003). Retention: It’s All About Respect. Health Care Manager, 22(1), 38-44. Retrieved March 13, 2018, from



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