Academic Master


Normal and Abnormal Behavior

Every person has their own defined view of what a normal and abnormal behavior entails an hence their life is defined according to what they perceive to be normal. In this reference, abnormal behavior is described as the behavior which is non-usual and non-adaptive and non-usual in the society and its widely termed as absurd and it’s also has cognitive distortion features. The concept of normal and abnormal behaviors is defined by the psychological reasoning of an individual. In this regards, abnormal behavioral patterns are associated with disruption of psychological reasoning through which an individual develops disorder which leads to abnormality.

In the past decades, numerous studies have been subjected to define the concept which entails what is abnormal in comparison of what is normal. Many researchers seeks to determine behaviors on whether it violates the established social values, normal and beliefs, or whether it makes people safe, distressed or threatened. Historically, normal and abnormal behavior patterns have been defined in accordance to the emotional, social tribulations and cognitive distortions of a person.

Models of abnormality

The models of abnormality incorporate theories which aid in describing the cause of psychological disorders. These models include biological, psychodynamic, cognitive and behavioral approaches which provide different views on the concept of abnormality. All the models in conjunction provide for treatment approaches and extra research on behaviors. However, psychologists have had distinct views on analyzing abnormal behaviors. Some link the origin of abnormal behaviors to psychological behaviors while other links it to biological effects.

The behavioral approach has also been applicable in defining normal and abnormal behaviors. In this perspective, abnormal behaviors are termed as uncouth behavior which causes personal distress and disturbance. Psychologists who base their ideas on this perspective argue that abnormal; behaviors develop from faulty and inefficient learning. They also argue that these behaviors are learned mostly through observing the behaviors of other people and imitating them. Desired treatments are in turn administered to correct the behavior disorder. This can be done for example through traditional learning procedures to instill new and desired behaviors.

The cognitive approach is also applied in understanding behaviors. In this approach, people are believed to get involved in abnormal behaviors due to presence of certain thoughts and behaviors which mostly liked to false assumptions. These thoughts control of the mind and body of the victim making them to be aggressive and emotionally unstable forcing them to involve in abnormal acts. These people view themselves as weak and worthless according to their own thoughts according to several psychologists, helping them acquire new thoughts and values helps them in reducing personal distress. Therapy can also be implemented to aid in in unlearning maladaptive behaviors and replacing them with positive ones.

The psychodynamic behavior on the other hand also aids in providing depth knowledge and understanding of behaviors. According to this perspective, mental disorders develop from cases of anxiety and unresolved childhood dreams and conflicts. This approach links with the humanistic approach which depicts those certain uncouth behaviors when people cannot pursue their deep passions and desires in life. Such disorders can be corrected through encouraging the adoption of new resolutions in solving the personal conflicts.

Difficulties in defining psychological abnormalities

In defining abnormalities, the discussed classifications are objective, but there arise society fears of the classified individuals and their respective families may be against the classification. This is due to globalization and integration of cultures and hence some society definition of abnormal does not meet a preset criteria on which behavior are normal or which behaviors are to perceived as abnormal based on traditional beliefs. Additionally, the model of abnormality have been only proved to be effective in the treatment of physical illnesses but not mental disorders as the individuals are characterized on what they feels and this covers many criteria in different individuals. Another difficult is that clinical psychologists and psychiatrists possesses a limited information when treating mental disorders in contrary to those individuals with physical disorders and hence this indicates that diagnosing disorders based on this information is partially impossible.

Biological and psychological perspectives of abnormality

Researchers have had distinct views on analyzing abnormal behaviors. Some link the origin of abnormal behaviors to psychological behaviors while other links it to biological effects.

The biological model links abnormal behavior to the biological system of human nature. In this regard, abnormal behavior is explained in terms of abnormal biology and categorizes abnormal behaviors as a physical condition and views mental disorder as an illness. This model proposes that psychological disorders have underlying biochemical causes in that, the abnormalities arise from inherited system defects, germ infection, and trauma as well as neurochemical factors.

On the other hand, psychological perspective includes the study of behaviors problems in reference to the actions which defines psychological behaviors while the utilization of biological terms is largely underrated as it lacks empathy in defining actions of individuals in defining abnormalities.

How culture, gender, socio-economic groups and any other factors can influence the incidence and diagnosis of psychological disorders

Different communities have inherited standards of values, attitudes and behavior and if individual characteristics are outside the established criterion, the specific individual is described as abnormal as he/she has deviated from normal society norms. These society beliefs acts as the basis for identification of abnormalities which lead to involved individual to be subjected to further analysis by professionals in order to determine the degree of their abnormalities as well as the treatment expected. Additionally, some cultures highly discriminate individuals and hence this demotivates individuals for seeking clinical help for mental disorders.

Clinical psychologists give an overall presumption on how culture issues, gender, and socio-economic groups are statistically referred. In this essence, this forms the parameter which determines how this factors help in diagnosing psychological disorders. In addition to these factors, several other factors such as depression and anxiety in reference to mental health problems are statistically included in defining normal human conditions. In regards to gender, it has been established that males are highly likely of not consulting a doctor if suffering for mental and physical disorders and hence, females, on the other hand, have a high statistical score. This indicates that, in terms of gender, females are diagnosed early for the mental disorders.

From a social-cultural perspective, a social context defines normal and abnormal behavior. In other words, the social norms and cultures form the family, and community. The social values are historically associated with the creation and adaptation of abnormal behaviors. The socio-cultural perspective attaches abnormal behavioral patterns of absurd feelings and thoughts to a society-cultural pattern which impacts the psychological health of individuals within a society context.

Additionally, many factors in the community can cause abnormal behaviors as it performs a significant role in individual’s behaviors. Some society setting are characterized with societal pressure on its individuals as they have high demands of set standards of needs and desires. This, in turn, causes mental and physical pressure on individual in the bit of changing or adopting a certain personality in order to aling with the society. this societal pressure causes depression, anxiety, and stress which are associated with abnormal behaviors.



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