Academic Master


Nietzsche and Morality

Is morality in fact the danger of dangers? System of values and conduct set by Christianity may be termed as morality. Nietzsche is of the view that morality stops man from attaining the highest power and the splendor that he is worthy of because it attaches a judgment in his head regarding everything that he wants to do. Even before he does something it would either be good or just evil. Anti-natural morality is turning against the instincts of life. All individuals even those having potential to rise above mediocre men are pressurized into becoming small, almost ridiculously docile herd animals who are eager to please. They are trained to become sickly and mediocre, all because they blindly follow morality. Nietzsche has been afraid that the individuals with abilities like creativity and greatness will succumb to the likes of contentment and comfort posed by the majority of mediocre people.

Nietzsche’s anti-morality further follows the concept of two types of people in this world. The first type is the higher human beings- the ones with a tendency towards exploring and questioning natural norms. These are the ones who often attain greatness. Higher human beings are further subdivided into men of great creativity; the great men. These are the ones who achieve greatness in their lives. The other type is the prevalent higher humans- hidden from the public view, their lives are without songs and singers. The higher man remains oblivious to the petty concerns which occupy the innumerable individuals devoid of creativity and greatness. This urges the higher man to seek solitude, with him and his thoughts only.

The other type of people or the innumerable individuals are the ones Nietzsche referred to as “the herd”. According to Nietzsche, these people are in an enormous number but are small and pitiful. These people are a part of the world but are not distinguished and remain immersed in their petty issues. This lot is not capable of transcending through their own selves. There are further two types belonging to the herd. The first one is the last man. Such an individual prefers comfort and contentment in his life. He does not like to trouble himself and tries to go with the flow throughout his life. His only concern is his comfort and easy life that excludes any concept of creativity or greatness. Such a man has no zeal or urge to experience greatness in life. The other type is the slave.

The individuals belonging to the herd focusses too narrowly on his own short lifespan and wants to pluck the fruit himself from the tree he plants and so no longer likes to plant those trees that demands a century of constant tending and are intended to provide shade for long successions of generations. He will not care about the well-being of others and not at all if it comes at his own expense. The hand of the slave can only be a taker but never the giver. But the higher man will go about for the achievement of the task of benefitting others. And for that he requires freedom from the herd. Greatness can be defined as being noble, wanting to be by oneself, being different, standing alone and having to live independently.

Nietzsche’s view upon morality is an accurate one because “a common on all that is rare, strange, privileged, the higher man, higher soul, higher responsibility, abundance and creative power and masterfulness “, by Karl Max. The higher men are at a responsibility to bring about greatness to the world. They will not concern themselves with the well-being of only their own selves. Morality carves a path with rules and statements for generations to blindly follow. It prevents the individuals to think about themselves and to use their imagination for the creation of a better future. Thus, morality and Christianity has affected the human experience adversely.



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