Academic Master


My Dream Career Job To Be An Athletic Trainer

Choosing a career is one of the important parts of one’s life. People usually choose a number of careers, which they initially analyze with respect to market demand, their own personal interests, and many other concerns. I have chosen this job as I wished to lose the table chair routines and to get into some exercise rapist field. I have chosen athletic trainers as my dream career because of my inspiration for the people associated with this field. The people associated with this field are physically fit and have positive attitudes towards society. I really admired them with respect to their behaviour towards society. The main aim of this paper is to write a bit about my dream career, which is to be an athletic trainer.

Athletic Trainers are highly important in society with respect to healthy lifestyles and physical fitness. Basically, the athletic trainers are the healthcare personnel. Their availability is always important in any physical activity. They are trained to help people diagnose, treat, and prevent sports injuries in a number of situations and settings. An athletic trainer is helpful in school sports as he always cares about the athletes and knows how to help them in the improvement of their performance without putting in extra effort and stress (Mensch & Mitchell, 2008). Their contributions are always observed to be external support for the teams to enhance the overall outcomes.

The athletic profession is one of the most important professions in the world, both currently and historically. It originated initially in the 1930s when, for the first time, sports became part of formal education in colleges, and the majority of athletic trainers were employed at high schools, colleges and universities (Bowman & Dodge, 2011). They were required to provide the services to the athletes that were considered compulsory by the authorities. After that time, very few educational institutes recruited athletic trainers, but later on, the number doubled, and meanwhile, proper education and grooming for this career were required. In 1990, athletic training careers became highly sophisticated, and many fields were interconnected.

Since the athletic trainer is known as an allied health care profession, for the career of the athletic trainer, a person must have a bachelor’s or master’s degree from an accredited professional athletic training education program and would have to pass the comprehensive test, which would be administered by the board of Certification (BOC). People who have bachelor’s or master’s degrees in athletic training, physical health and education, exercise science, physiology, training in anatomy, nutrition, psychology, biomechanics, or some similar degree can apply to start their career as an athletic trainer. These degrees are highly considered for the athletic trainer careers. With the help of the advancement in the previous degree, it would be helpful for an individual to get engaged in the improvement of his career as well as to get some suitable jobs as well.

Athletic training could be considered a career for a lifetime. A person who once gets involved in this career would have unlimited possibilities for improvements. On average, an athletic trainer earns as much as a doctor, but since a doctor has to give extra time on a regular basis with a hard routine to manage, an athletic trainer only serves 50 to 80 hours on average. Moreover, the future of the athletic trainer could be head athletic trainers, athletic directors, physicians, and hospital or clinic practice administrators (Mazerolle et al., 2012). Pursuing an advancement in their degree would also lead them to enhance their careers. For example, doing a management degree would lead them to managerial posts and some other similar ones as well. In any of the above-mentioned positions, the responsibilities would include management roles.

Athletic training is a young profession, and a lot of it is required to be discovered. A large number of concerns are still under discussion and are not yet completely resolved. I believe in the enhancement of my skills as well as discovering the best opportunities through which this career could be expanded and enhanced. Most of the work of an athletic trainer is at hospitals, fitness centres and physician’s offices (Moen & Roehling, 2005). Here, they have opportunities to deal with a number of different critical, normal, inside and outside injuries as well as abnormalities. In this environment, an athletic trainer would be able to enhance his own personal knowledge and perform some efforts for the field. For example, if a personal trainer is associated with a fitness club or a professional athletic team club, he would have an opportunity to deal with complicated as well as simple injuries and can articulate them for study purposes.

In a nutshell, I would like to share my overall personal perception towards the athletic trainer career. This career is highly beneficial, and because of a number of physical health issues, people are focusing on consulting dieticians, health advisors, physical care experts and trainers. Athletic trainers are people who are highly flexible when getting engaged in any of the above-mentioned careers. Their education and skills are highly adaptive to these careers. Moreover, to continue a career in athletic training, an individual would also be able to become a successful athletic trainer. Athletic trainers are highly required in educational, medical, and sports institutions, which means in the near future, the demand will rapidly increase, and research and development will also increase.


Moen, P., & Roehling, P. (2005). The career mystique: Cracks in the American dream. Rowman & Littlefield.

Mensch, J., & Mitchell, M. (2008). Choosing a career in athletic training: exploring the perceptions of potential recruits. Journal of Athletic Training43(1), 70-79.

Mazerolle, S. M., Gavin, K. E., Pitney, W. A., Casa, D. J., & Burton, L. (2012). Undergraduate athletic training students’ influences on career decisions after graduation. Journal of Athletic Training47(6), 679-693.

Bowman, T. G., & Dodge, T. M. (2011). Factors of persistence among graduates of athletic training education programs.



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