Academic Master


My Coaching Philosophy

For this assignment, I was asked to summarize my coaching philosophy through what I have learned during the class and draft a reflective essay on my experience throughout my career. This paper reflects how I interact with my team to maintain team discipline, offensive and defensive philosophy for my sport, and what helped me build a culture that better reflects the foundation of my successful coaching philosophy. Building on Whitmore’s stance about coaching quoted by Jenkins (2009) to boost the performance of people in any sport through “unleashing their potential” I always inferred as a coach as well as a sportsman the 3 most significant concepts that my job is to communicate with each member of the team, prompt them to think about best ways they can boost their morale in sport through teaching them relevant tactics and skills, and act in ways for better teamwork and best sports outcomes. The foundation of my coaching philosophy is motivating team members to perform through discipline as the best coach always acts as a “motivator” and a “facilitator” of his/her team’s athletic skills to make his team outperform on the court for the attainment of group goals.

My team is taught discipline through growth training, providing encouragement, leading their growth, highlighting their weaknesses and strengths, positive reinforcement, and monitoring the progress of each member of the team that accentuates their positive attributes and discipline. The defensive philosophy of sport I follow is that real success depends on participation, well-being, and competition rather than winning trophies as the most important thing for me while being on the court is my team. The offensive philosophy of my coaching style is that my team must know how to attack for their defense to make the opposing team out of rhythm. In the nutshell, I believe in building a team culture where a team’s experiences and responsibilities are encouraged, conflicts are recognized, and beliefs, competitions, and values of each individual member of the team are appreciated and acknowledged as this strategy leads to the unwavering amount of success for any sport.


Jenkins, S. (2009). The impact of the inner game and Sir John Whitmore on coaching. Annual Review of High-Performance Coaching and Consulting, 1, 1-22.



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