Academic Master


Moving to a New Country

Living away from your nation has an important effect on your life, but at the same time, it can be unforgettable and actually interesting. Most of the people are attracted towards the music, culture, celebrations, and festival of the new country (Douty, 2012).You miss everything when you start a regular day in a new country, even small things like watching TV shows of your own interest, your food taste, your school, and friends each and everything. It is then obvious that where you belong you started to appreciate everything.

When you first arrive in the new country, culture and another type of society will trigger you first. You have to grow yourself in unknown conditions because you are living in a place with different traditions and customs from yours. This can be done by accepting different opinions, making new friends, seizing every opportunity you have to go to new places and learning point of views of other people. So that you will be able to attain factual knowledge. It is not to be suggested to be square minded or divert your mind completely; the best thing is to stick to your essential values and improve them that are need to be changed.

If you are moving to a country that has a different language related to your native language then this language barrier can be reduced by taking classes before or after moving to a new country. Balancing finances are already hard enough, hence keep checking on your budget. Maybe people will crack jokes and slang on you that you don’t recognize, but by keeping patience will vanish this fact. Beside these moving to a different country will explore more opportunities in traveling. You can travel and explore more cities, areas, and cultures (Living in a Foreign Country: How to Adapt?, n.d.). It also enhances the knowledge and personal growth. Anyone moving to a foreign country will expand their friendships, relationships, and social circle tremendously.


Douty, E. (2012). The wonderful experience of living abroad. Retrieved from

Living in a Foreign Country: How to Adapt? (n.d.). Retrieved from



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