Academic Master


Mothers should go to Work

Many people say that women especially mothers who have children to look after, should stay at home instead of going to work. This needs to be determined according to the actual situation of the family. If the financial situation of the family is strong and there is no need of her doing job or no one else is responsible for looking after the children, she should stay at home but if she is a strong woman and is career oriented, other members of the family or a nanny can do the housekeeping jobs for her. In my opinion, mothers should go to work because going to work may release mental stress and other mental problems, as they can have an opportunity to give time to their social life, can learn many social experiences other than just giving time to home and she can become a professional woman.

Firstly, most of the mothers who stay at home may get mental stress issues. When there is no one at home, they can get bored staying at home all alone because their husbands will be busy at work and their children will be at school during the day. Things they can do are watching television or waiting for family members to come back home. Staying alone at home can make her lose the social circle she has, as there is no one to talk to and she won’t be able to meet her friends. In addition, she does not have many activities to do at home. This would be her every day’s boring routine. For such reasons, I believe mothers should go to work instead of going home.

Secondly, mothers can learn a lot of things while working. Those who stay at home, they don’t get to know much things about what is happening around the world. Like, the mothers who stay at home, they only know how to cook food for their family and do tasks at home. They cannot understand what is going on in the corporate world. However, the mothers who go to work can communicate with co-workers about the new things they heard about. Then, when they get back to home, they can discuss it with their family about what is going on in the world. That’s how mothers can learn new things as well.

Thirdly, mothers can become very strong businesswomen. In this world, people always think that men can do better job and business than women. Most of the men think that women should just stay at home looking after the babies. However, there are a lot of successful women doing their own businesses. The mothers who stay at home cannot make money, as they don’t do any job. They don’t have a goal for their future as well. However, the mothers who go to work can earn money and become successful businesswomen. In their life, they know how to handle things correctly and they are future-oriented. They are not just dependent on their husbands for money because they can earn for themselves and be successful.

In conclusion, I think mothers should definitely go to work instead of staying at home because going to work keeps them engaged and they won’t get bored or under any stress. They will get a chance to learn new things about the world and they can discuss it with their children, which will help them to raise their children in a better way. The can enjoy their social life and get a chance to earn money and be independent professionally successful women. For these and many other reasons, I support the concept of mothers doing the job and going to work.



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